
ADVERTISEMENTS:Social control is very essential for every society. Without social control, society as well as individual cannot exist.

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Therefore, the need of social control is very essential. Social control is necessary for the following reasons.1. To maintain the old order:It is necessary for every society or group to maintain its social order and this is possible only when its members behave In accordance with that social order. An important objective of social control is not to maintain the old order. Family helps in the realization of this objective.

Salah satu fungsi hukum didalam masyarakat adalah hukum sebagai alat kontrol sosial (law as a tool of social control) atau yang selanjutnya disebut social control dan hukum sebagai alat perekayasa masyarakat (law as a tool of social enginering) atau yang selanjutnya disebut social enginering. Social control. See more synonyms for social control on Thesaurus.com. The enforcement of conformity by society upon its members, either by law or by social pressure. The influence of any element in social life working to maintain the pattern of such life.

The aged members of the family enforce their ideas over the children. To establish social unity:Without social control, social unity would be a mere dream. Social control regulates behavior in accordance with established norms, which brings uniformity of behavior and leads to unity among the individuals. The family maintains its unity because its members behave in similar manner in accordance with family norms.3. To regulate or control individual behavior:No two men are alike in their attitudes, ideas, interests and habits. Even the children of the same parents do not have the same attitudes, habits and interests.

Men believe in different religions, dress differently, eat different food, marry in different ways and have different ideologies. There are so much differences in the ways of living of the people that at every movement there is the possibility of clash between them. In modern times, this possibility has all the more increased because man has become too self-centered. Social control is necessary to protect social interests and satisfy common need. If social control is removed and individual is left to behave freely, society would be reduced to state of jungle.

To provide social sanction:Social control provides social sanction to the social ways of behavior. There are numerous folkways, modes and customs prevalent in society. Every individual has to follow them. If an individual violets the social norms, he is compelled through social control to observe than.

Contoh Law As A Tool Of Social Control System

Thus, social control provides sanction to social norms.5. To check cultural mal-adjustment:Society is subject to change. New invention, new discoveries and new philosophies continue to take birth in society.

The individual has to adjust his behavior to the change-taking place in society. But all the individuals cannot adjust themselves to the new conditions. Some become progressive, others remain conservative. When a person from the village moves into the city, he comes across new cultural standards and it is possible that he may wrongly adjust himself to the new cultural environment. He may become a save of passions, visit bar and pass nights in nightclubs.

Contoh law as a tool of social control system

During this transitional period in his social control, it is very necessary lest he should become a deviant.

LawLaw is the most important formal means of social control. Early societies depended upon informal means of social control but when societies grew in size and complexity they were compelled to formulate rules and regulations which define the required types of behavior and specify the penalties to be imposed upon those who violate them.

Law is a body of rules enacted by legally authorized bodies and enforced by authorized agencies. It defines clearly rights, duties as well as the punishments for their violation. The modern societies are large in size.

Contoh Law As A Tool Of Social Control Book

Their structure is complex consisting of a number of groups, organizations, institu-tions and vested interests. Informal means of social control are no longer sufficient to main-tain social order and harmony.


In modern society relationships are of secondary nature. Security of life and property as well as the systematic ordering of relationships make formalization of rules necessary. Law pre-scribes uniform norms and penalties throughout a social system.What were in mores and customs earlier has now been formalized into a body of law.

Law prohibits certain actions for example anti-touchability act prohibits untouchability in any form and a person practis-ing untouchability is liable to punishment. Prohibition act forbids drinking at public places.

In this way law exercises a powerful influence upon the behavior of people in modern socie-ties.