  1. Ping Gateway Ip Address
  2. Linksys Default Ip

Funny thing can ping internal IPv6 IP assigned by TM, but cannot ping Streamyx's IPv6 gateway or DNS server:blink: Now this is getting weirder. Let follow exactly the settings used by azfar and the only difference we change is, instead of selecting SLAAC, we gonna select DHCP at DHCP IPv6 Enable. I am unable to access my router's login screen by using my default gateway IP adress. I've also tried using SMC default ip addresses to no avail. I really need to access my router to open port forwarding. I've been combing through forums and haven't found anything that works yet. Also, I am plugged into the router via Ethernet and not wireless.

Article ID: 5621Protocols/FeaturesIPPINGTracertGoalsConfigure default gatewaySymptomsCan't ping'Destination Host Unreachable'Request timed out'Incorrect default gatewayCauseA ping response of 'Destination Host Unreachable' is a solid indicator that there's a Default Gateway misconfiguration on the initiating PC.A ping response of 'Request timed out' could suggest a Default Gateway misconfiguration, but lower-layer (L1/L2) issues could also be in play.SolutionYour choices for setting the Default Gateway are three in number:No gateway IP - Conversations with other subnets will not take place.

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I'm trying to write a batch file that tests network connectivity by pinging the default gateway of the given network.However, as I want this to be an automated process which then logs the results to a text file, I'd like to be able to ping the gateway on various networks, without having to change/enter the ip address.Is there a generic term or command to ping the default gateway for the network you're currently connected to?(I already have the commands for output options etc.)So far, I have this. @echo offgoto:NETWORK1:NETWORK1ipconfigecho.Set /P gateway=PLEASE ENTER GATEWAY IP ADDRESS (shown above):if /I '%gateway%' EQU 'exit' goto:EXITif /I not '%gateway%' EQU 'exit' goto:NETWORK2:NETWORK2echo CLOSING THIS WINDOW WILL ABORT THE CONNECTIVITY TEST.echo. 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'echo Time: 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'time /t 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'ping%gateway% -n 20 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'goto:NETWORK2:EXITexitBut I don't want to have to specify the IP address, so that I can take away the need for user input.

OK, so I gave that a try with the below code, and it gives the correct results on the first loop, but on all following loops, it just pings @echo off goto:NETWORK:NETWORK echo. 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt' echo Time: 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt' time /t 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt' for /f 'tokens=2 delims=:'%%g in ('netsh interface ip show address ^ findstr 'Default Gateway') do ping%%g -n 20 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt' goto:NETWORK–Nov 11 '14 at 13:54. @echo offsetlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansionset 'gateway='for /f 'tokens=1-5'%%a in ('route -4 print 0.' ) do @if '%%e' if '%%a'%%b' set 'gateway=%%c'if not defined gateway goto:eofecho CLOSING THIS WINDOW WILL ABORT THE CONNECTIVITY TEST.:loopecho%date%%time% 'Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt' (echo(echo(Time:%time%ping -n 20 -4%gateway%)goto:loopGateway determination from route information copied fromedited for a more tolerant parse of the route command use for /f 'tokens=3'%%a in ('route -4 print 0. ^ find '0.' ') do set 'gateway=%%a'.

Ping Gateway Ip Address

Ping gateway ip address

Linksys Default Ip

After help from @MC ND, I have created the following code, which does exactly what I needed. pings the default gateway with the results being output to a text file. shows a message telling the user not to close the command window@echo offsetlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansionfor /f 'tokens=3'%%a in ('route -4 print 0.' ) do set 'gateway=%%a':NETWORKecho CLOSING THIS WINDOW WILL ABORT THE CONNECTIVITY TEST.echo Time 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'time /t 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'echo. 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'ping%gateway% -n 20 'C:Network Test Results%date:/=.%.txt'goto:NETWORK.