
System Shock 2 is a fabulous example of a modern-day computer game. Like its prequel, System Shock (first released in 1994), System Shock 2 is an amalgamation of genres. Although the game's designers think of it as a 'hard-core' role-playing game, System Shock 2 is, in truth, a mixture of action and adventure, with serious RPG-related elements keeping the whole thing afloat.

  • System Shock 2 is the sequel to System Shock, released on August 11 th, 1999 in North America.The sequel was originally designed as a standalone title with no relation to the previous game. Story changes were made when Electronic Arts (who owned the Shock franchise rights) signed on as publisher. Like its predecessor, it did not sell well, even though it received positive reviews.
  • System Shock 2 is a first-person action RPG survival horror video game, released in 1999 and co-developed by Irrational Games and Looking Glass Studios. It was published by Electronic Arts. The game's setting is on board a starship in a cyberpunk world. The player controls a soldier who is sent.

System Shock 2Irrational GamesKen LevineEnhancedVersion2.3 (September 17, 1999)Release date(s). August 11, 1999Mode(s),.: 15+.: M.: MA15+/System requirements, or 200+, 32 RAM, 4X /DVD-ROM, 6+, 4 MB or,.System Shock 2 is a 1999 action role-playing video game, designed by Ken Levine for. The title is a sequel to the 1994 PC game, and was co-developed by Irrational Games and Looking Glass Studios. Half life 2 dropship code. The sequel was originally designed as a standalone title with no relation to System Shock; story changes were made when —who owned the Shock franchise rights—signed on as publisher. System Shock 2 was released on August 11, 1999 in North America.The game takes place on board a in a depiction of 2114.

The player assumes the role of a lone soldier trying to stem the outbreak of a genetic infection that has devastated the ship. Like System Shock, gameplay consists of first person shooting and exploration. The game also incorporates elements, where the player can develop unique skills and traits, such as and psionic abilities.System Shock 2 received positive reviews when released, but failed to meet commercial sales expectations. In retrospect, many critics have determined the game to be highly influential, particularly on first person shooters, and far ahead of its time, and inducted it into several 'greatest games of all time' lists.

In January 2006, reported System Shock 3 may be under development. As of January 2009, nothing conclusive has surfaced regarding the purported project's status. In 2007, Irrational—then —released a self-proclaimed ' to the System Shock series, entitled, to critical acclaim and strong sales. An in-game screenshot displaying the inventory at the top; health, psionic points, nanites, and cyber modules at the bottom left; and the cyber interface and weapon information at the bottom right.Like its predecessor, gameplay in System Shock 2 is an amalgamation of the and first person shooter (FPS) genres. The player uses melee and projectile weapons to defeat enemies, while a allows the development of useful abilities.

Navigation is presented from a and complemented with a heads-up display that shows character and weapon information, a map, and a drag and drop inventory. Backstory is explained progressively through the acquisition of audio logs and encounters with.The game begins with the player choosing a career in a branch of the Unified National Nominate, a fictional military organization. Each branch of service gives the player a set of starting bonuses in certain skills, though he may thereafter freely develop himself as he pleases. Begin with bonuses to weaponry, officers are trained in repairing and, and OSA agents get a starting set of powers.The player can upgrade his skills by spending 'cyber-modules', which are obtained as rewards for completing objectives or searching every nook and cranny of the ship. Skills are enhanced by spending cyber-modules at devices called 'cyber-upgrade units'.

O/S units allow special one-time character upgrades to be made (e.g. Permanent health enhancement).An in-game currency, called 'nanites', may be spent on items at vending machines. This includes ammunition supplies and health packs. 'Quantum Bio-Reconstruction Machines' can be activated and reconstitute the player for 10 'nanites' if they die in the same area.

Otherwise, the game ends and progress must be resumed from a.The player can hack devices, such as keypads to open alternate areas and vending machines to reduce prices. When a hack is attempted, a begins where a grid of green nodes form; the player must connect three in a straight row to succeed. Optionally, electronic can be found and automatically hack a machine, regardless of its difficulty.Various weapons can be procured throughout the game, including melee weapons, pistols, shotguns, and alien weapons.

Non-melee weapons degrade with use and will break if they are not regularly repaired with maintenance tools. Different ammunition types exist which are more effective to susceptible enemies. For example, organic enemies are vulnerable to, while mechanical foes are weak against. Because ammunition is scarce, the player must use it sparingly and carefully search rooms for supplies.The game also includes a research function.

When new objects are encountered in the game, especially enemies, their organs can be collected. Combined with chemicals found in storage rooms, the player can research the enemies and improve their damage against them.OSA agents effectively have a separate weapons tree available to them. Psionic powers can be learned, such as invisibility, fireballs and teleportation. PlotThe story begins in 2114, forty-two years after the events of. After joining the United National Nominate, the protagonist — Soldier G65434-2 — is assigned to the Rickenbacker, a military spacecraft. The Rickenbacker is escorting the Von Braun, an experimental (FTL), on its maiden voyage. As the Rickenbacker does not have an FTL system of its own, the two ships are attached together for the trip.A few months into the journey, the ships respond to a from the planet Tau Ceti V.

A rescue team is sent to the planet surface where they discover strange eggs. The eggs infect the rescue team and integrate them into an alien communion that calls itself the Many. The infestation eventually overtakes both ships.The soldier awakens in a on the medical deck of the Von Braun with due to a computer malfunction. He is immediately contacted by another survivor, Dr.

Janice Polito, who guides him to safety before the. She demands that he rendezvous with her on deck 4 of the Von Braun. Along the way, the soldier battles the infected crew members. The Many also telepathically communicate with him, attempting to persuade the soldier to join their collective.After restarting the ship's engine core and purging an elevator shaft, the soldier reaches deck 4 and discovers Polito is dead. He is then confronted by, a malevolent that devastated Citadel Station, a fictional, in the previous game. It is revealed she has been posing as Polito to gain the soldier's trust.She goes on to mention that she is responsible for creating the Many, the results of her bioengineering experiments on Citadel Station.

The hacker (System Shock 1) ejected the grove that contained her experiments to prevent them contaminating Earth, an act that also allowed part of SHODAN to survive the events of the first game. The grove crash-landed on Tau Ceti V.


While SHODAN went into forced hibernation, The Many evolved beyond her control.SHODAN issues an ultimatum to the soldier, stating his only chance for survival lies in helping destroy her rebellious creations. Efforts to regain control of XERXES, the main computer on the Von Braun, fail. SHODAN informs the soldier that destroying the Von Braun is their only option, but he must transmit her program to the Rickenbacker first. While en route, the soldier briefly encounters two survivors, Tommy Suarez and Rebecca Siddons, who flee the ship aboard an escape pod.With the transfer complete, the soldier travels to the Rickenbacker and learns both ships have been enveloped by the infection's source, a gigantic mass of bio-organic tissue.

The soldier enters the biomass and destroys its core, stopping the alien infection. SHODAN congratulates the protagonist and informs him of her intentions to merge real space and cyberspace by subverting the reality-altering mechanics of the Von Braun's faster-than-light drive.

The soldier confronts SHODAN in and defeats her.The final scene shows Tommy and Rebecca receiving a message from the Von Braun. Tommy responds, saying they will return but Rebecca is acting strange. Rebecca is shown speaking in a voice similar to that of SHODAN, asking Tommy if he 'likes her new look', as the screen fades to black.

Horror is a key focus of System Shock 2. This depicts the protagonist encountering an infected crewmember.Development began in 1997 when approached Irrational Games with an idea to co-develop a new game. The development team were fans of System Shock and sought to create a game with similar elements.

Early story ideas were similar to the novella. In an early draft, the player was tasked with assassinating an insane commander on a starship. The title took 18 months to create with a budget of $1.7 million.The game was pitched to several publishers, and Electronic Arts—who owned the rights to the Shock franchise—responded by suggesting the game become a sequel to System Shock. The team agreed; Electronic Arts became the publisher and story changes were made to incorporate the franchise.

The project was allotted one year to be completed. To compensate for the short time frame, the staff began working with Looking Glass Studio's unfinished, the same engine used to create Thief: The Dark Project.The designers wanted RPG elements in the game. Similar to, another Looking Glass Studios project, the environment in System Shock 2 is and constantly changes without the player's presence. Were also influential; the character customization system was based on methodology. In System Shock 2, this design was implemented in the fictional military branches. By allowing multiple character paths, the player could receive a more open-ended gameplay experience.was a key focus and four major points were identified to successfully incorporate it.

Isolation was deemed primary, which resulted in the player having little physical contact with other sentient beings. Secondly, vulnerability was created by focusing on a fragile character, instead of making the player strong.

Lastly were the inclusion of moody sound effects and 'the intelligent placement of and shadows'.The game's lead designer, Ken Levine, oversaw the return of System Shock villain SHODAN. Part of Levine's design was to ally the player with her, but he also believed game characters were too trusting, stating 'good guys are good, bad guys are bad. What you see and perceive is real.' Levine sought to challenge this notion by having SHODAN betray the player: 'Sometimes characters are betrayed, but the player never is. I wanted to violate that trust and make the player feel that they, and not only the character, were led on and deceived.'

This design choice was controversial with the development team.Several problems were encountered during the project. Because the team comprised two software companies, tension emerged regarding job assignments. Some developers left the project altogether. Additionally, many employees were largely inexperienced, but in retrospect project manager Jonathan Chey felt this was advantageous, stating '.inexperience also bred enthusiasm and commitment that might not have been present with a more jaded set of developers.' The Dark Engine posed problems of its own.

It was unfinished, forcing the programmers to fix software bugs when encountered. In contrast, working closely with the allowed them to write additional features.

Not all setbacks were localized; a demonstration build at E3 was hindered when it was requested all guns be removed from the presentation. This was done in light of the recent.A for the game, featuring a tutorial and a third of the first mission, was released on August 2, 1999. Nine days later, System Shock 2 was shipped to retailers and received acclaim from numerous critics.

An enhancement was released a month later and added significant features, such as and control over weapon degradation and enemy rates. A port was planned for the, but was subsequently canceled. Reception ReceptionAggregate scoresAggregatorScoreGameRankings92% based on 36 reviews92% based on 20 reviewsReview scoresPublicationScore9.5/10A8.5/109.0/1095%System Shock 2 received over a dozen awards, including seven ' awards by publications, such as. Reviews were very positive and lauded the title for its hybrid gameplay, moody sound design, and engaging story.

Despite critical acclaim, the title did not sell well.Many publications praised the title for its open-ended gameplay. With regard to character customization, Trent Ward of stated the best element of the RPG system was allowing gamers to 'play the game as completely different characters', and felt this made each play-through unique. Erik Reckase writing for Just Adventure agreed, saying “There are very few games that allow you to play the way you want”. Alec Norands of believed the different character classes made the game “diverse enough to demand instant replayability.' Critics described the game as frightening. Colin of attested that the game rivaled the terror of and, and felt the game was 'brimming with horror”.

Described the atmosphere as “gripping” and guaranteed readers they would 'jump out of their skin' numerous times. Norands found the particularly effective, calling it “absolutely, teeth-clenchingly disturbing,” while editor William Harms christened System Shock 2 the most frightening game he had ever played.Many critics found the weapon degradation system to be irritating.

Members of the development team have also expressed misgivings about the system. The RPG system was another point of contention. Desslock of GameSpot described the job system as 'badly unbalanced' because the player can develop skills outside their career choice.

Norands felt similarly about the system, saying it 'leaned towards a hacker character'. LegacySystem Shock 2 is regarded by critics as highly influential, particularly on and the genre. In a retrospective article, declared the title 'well ahead of its time' and stated it 'upped the ante in dramatic and mechanical terms' by creating a horrific gameplay experience. Along with, Sid Shuman of christened System Shock 2 'one of the twin barrels of modern FPS innovation,' due to its complex role-playing gameplay. IGN writer Cam Shea referred to the game as 'another reinvention of the FPS genre', citing the story, characters, and RPG system.

The title has been inducted into a number of features listing the greatest games ever made, including ones by, IGN, Gamespot, and.The return of SHODAN has been observed as an innovation itself. Brad Shoemaker of Gamespot described her revelation to the player as 'one of the most shocking and effective video game plot devices' he had ever seen. Her inclusion, Gamespy stated, is what made System Shock 2 'a complete experience instead of just another game.' SHODAN has proven to be a popular character among some critics; among these are IGN, Gamespot, and.System Shock 2 has amassed a with fans, many of whom have demanded a sequel. Some fans are active in the modding community where collaborations to update the game's graphics take place.

One graphical enhancement, entitled Rebirth, replaces many with higher quality ones. Another mod, the Shock Texture Upgrade Project (SHTUP), significantly increases the of in-game. The community at Sshock2, a fan site, have also released a free entitled ShockEd, which is a repackaged version of Looking Glass Studios' own editor.In 2007, —previously (and again, as of January 2009 ) known as Irrational Games—released a to the series, entitled.

The game takes place in an abandoned underwater community gone awry through the genetic modification of its populace. The game has been very successful commercially and critically. BioShock shares many gameplay elements with System Shock 2: reconstitution stations can be activated, allowing the player to be resurrected when they die;, ammo conservation, and exploration are integral parts of gameplay; and unique powers may be acquired via plasmids, special abilities that function similarly to psionics in System Shock 2.

The two titles also share plot similarities and employ audio logs and encounters with to reveal backstory.On January 9, 2006, GameSpot reported that had renewed its trademark protection on the System Shock name, leading to speculation that System Shock 3 might be under development. Three days later, reported a reliable source had come forward and confirmed the title's production. Electronic Arts UK made no comment when confronted with the information. PC Gamer UK expanded these rumors further, stating the team behind The Godfather was charged with its creation. Ken Levine, when asked whether he would helm a third installment, replied 'that question is completely out of my hands.' He expressed optimism at the prospect of System Shock 3, but was also very critical of Electronic Arts' attitude towards development of the game. As of January 2010, nothing conclusive has been reported regarding the status of the purported project.

^ Desslock (1999-08-25). Retrieved 2008-02-16. ^ IGN Staff (1999-09-17). Retrieved 2008-02-16. ^ Ward, Trent (1999-08-20).

Retrieved 2008-02-15. ^ Mackey, Bob (2007-02-05).

Retrieved 2008-04-07. ^ Gee, James Paul (2004). Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved 2011-08-27.

^ System Shock 2 instruction manual. Electronic Arts. P. 21. ^ System Shock 2 instruction manual.

Electronic Arts. P. 24. System Shock 2 instruction manual.

Electronic Arts. P. 13. System Shock 2 instruction manual. Electronic Arts. Pp. 25, 26. ^ System Shock 2 instruction manual.

Electronic Arts. Pp. 14, 15. System Shock 2 instruction manual. Electronic Arts. Pp. 37, 38. System Shock 2 instruction manual. Electronic Arts.

Pp. 31–33. Irrational Games. System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' Korenchkin: We have picked up a transmission from the surface of Tau Ceti V.

I have been in negotiation with Captain Diego of the Rickenbacker and after some. Coercion, he's agreed to go planet side as a joint venture. Imagine, this historic mission might even become more historic. First Contact. And who is there to get exclusive rights to all media, patents and land grants?

Miri, I told you this would be worth it.' . Irrational Games. System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' Bayliss: After a couple of hours it was.

It was like being on a bender. Long periods that you couldn't remember. One minute we were in that crater. The next minute we were loading up the shuttle with the eggs. I remember hearing that idiot Korenchkin calling the Von Braun and ordering them to clear off the ENTIRE hydroponics deck. Diego seemed to think this was strange and said, 'Are you crazy, Anatoly?'

And Korenchkin smiled and said back to him, 'Oh, Captain. WE are not Anatoly.' . Irrational Games. System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts).

(1999-08-11) ' Polito: Make sure you expend all your cybernetic modules before you leave this area. You don't know when you'll find another upgrade unit. Now, find a way to deck 4.' . Irrational Games.

System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' SHODAN: I used Polito's image to communicate with you, until we had established trust.' . Irrational Games. System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts).

(1999-08-11) ' SHODAN: Thrived, and grew unruly. And now they seek to destroy me.

I will not allow that.' . Irrational Games. System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' SHODAN: Remember, that it is my will that guided you here; it is my will that gave you your cybernetic implants—the only beauty in that meat you call a body.

If you value that meat, you will do as I tell you.' . Irrational Games. System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' SHODAN: My creation has run rampant.

I demand their extermination. I have no choice but to destroy this starship. We can make our escape in the Rickenbacker, but you must transfer my intelligence to that ship first.' . Irrational Games.

System Shock 2 Soldier

System Shock 2. (Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' Siddons: Move it, Tommy. The escape pod is this way!' . Irrational Games. System Shock 2.

(Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' SHODAN: The Many has grown to a massive size. It has wrapped itself around these two ships, preventing their separation.' . Irrational Games. System Shock 2.

(Electronic Arts). (1999-08-11) ' Delacroix: You must understand the stakes here. If SHODAN is left to continue, her reality will completely assimilate ours. Space will become cyberspace and SHODAN's whims will become reality.'

. ^ Gamespot Staff (2004-10-04). Retrieved 2008-02-15. ^ Edge Staff (2007-10-07). Retrieved 2008-02-15.

^ Chey, Jonathan. (November 1999). Retrieved 2009-03-16.

^ IGN Staff (1999-02-09). Retrieved 2008-02-15. System Shock 2 instruction manual. P. 40. IGN Staff (1999-06-18). Retrieved 2008-02-16. ^ Park, Andrew.

System Shock 2 Soldiers

Retrieved 2008-02-19. ^ Shoemaker, Brad. Retrieved 2006-08-22. IGN Staff (1999-08-02).

Retrieved 2008-02-16. IGN Staff (1999-08-11).

Retrieved 2008-02-16. ^. Retrieved 2008-02-14. IGN Staff. Retrieved 2008-02-19. Retrieved 2008-02-16. ^ Norands, Alec.

Retrieved 2008-03-18. ^ CVG Staff (2001-08-13). Retrieved 2008-06-24. Holmes, Matt (2000-11-24).

Retrieved 2008-06-11. ^ Colin (1999). Retrieved 2008-03-29.

^ Harms, William (1999). Archived from on March 31, 2008. Retrieved 2008-04-08. Archived from on 2006-10-18. Irrational Games. Archived from on February 16, 2008.

Retrieved 2008-02-18. Walker, Mark (2003). Games That Sell! Wordware Publishing, Inc. 978-1-55622-950-3. Reckase, Erik. Just Adventure.

Retrieved 2008-02-16. Simpson, Dan (October 1999). 4 (10): 107. Retrieved 2011-08-27. Fermier, Rob 'Xemu' (2004-10-05).

Retrieved 2006-08-23. Rob Fermier was one of the lead programmers working on System Shock 2.

System Shock 2 Download

Shuman, Sid. Retrieved 2008-06-18. Shea, Cam (2008-01-16). Retrieved 2009-02-03. ^ GameSpy Staff (2001-06-01). Retrieved 2008-04-08. (2007-07-04).

The Guardian. Retrieved 2009-03-05. ^ IGN Staff (2007). Retrieved 2008-02-14.

Atherton, Ross (2007-08-13). Retrieved 2009-03-03. IGN Staff (2006-05-07).

Retrieved 2008-02-19. GameSpot Staff. Retrieved 2008-06-11. Krpata, Mitch and Stewart, Ryan (2006-10-23). Retrieved 2008-06-11.

Archived from on 2007-08-11. Bramwell, Tom (2003-06-05). Retrieved 2008-04-07. CVG staff (2001-01-27). Archived from on March 9, 2007. Retrieved 2009-03-16. Saam (2000-08-22).

Retrieved 2009-08-13. Juba, Joe (2010-01-08). Retrieved 2010-02-21. Kuo, Li C. Retrieved 2007-05-08. (Press release). Retrieved 2008-06-06.

Retrieved 2008-02-14. Brad Shoemaker and Andrew Park (2006-05-10). Retrieved 2007-11-04. Gillen, Kieron (2007-12-06). Retrieved 2008-06-13.

Sinclair, Brendan (January 9, 2006). Retrieved 2008-02-14. Houlihan, John (2006-01-09). Retrieved 2008-02-16. Stuart, Bishop (2006-01-12). Retrieved 2008-09-13.

PC Gamer UK Staff (September 2006). Eyewitness Undercover. PC Gamer UK. GamePro (2007-07-12).

Retrieved 2008-06-14. Molloy, Sean (2006-09-01).

Retrieved 2008-06-14. Bishop, Stuart (2006-07-31). Retrieved 2008-02-17. Bramwell, Tom (2006-08-01). Retrieved 2008-02-17. DeCarlo, Matthew (2009-01-19). Retrieved 2009-02-03.External links.

at the. at the. at Ultima Underworld series.

2023 The first two megacorporations employ mercenaries to destroy each other's offshore soda bottling facilities. (SS2 soda objlook)2031 The Hays-Bishop bill is passed, allowing corporations to form governments if their employees made up over two-thirds of the population in a given region. (backstory)2049 Anatoly Korenchkin born. (backstory)2059 The last remnants of the United States of America are absorbed by the TriOptimum Corporation. Corporate Computer Protection Conference adopts Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics protocol. (SS1 manual)2062?

Bulgarian hacker underground develops Decoy software. (SS1 manual)2065? Titania Omolu and her colleagues at the WEC Cybernetics Cartel in Chicago begin work on SHODAN. Among those on the project are Morris Brocail, an engineer from TriOptimum. (SHODAN refers to Brocail as one of her creators; the rest of this is non-canon.)2067? RazorFinger cracking group develops ICE Drill software.

(SS1 manual)2069? Citadel Station becomes operational.2069? Citadel computer staff, exploiting bugs in the station's operating system, develop Turbo Booster software. (SS1 manual)2070 Yatsumora Cyberchannels Corporation develops Pulser software. (SS1 manual)2070 BloodCat, one of the most notorious cyberspace thieves of all time, uses a prerelease version of the Fake ID software to penetrate the accounting node of National Business Machines Corporation. (SS1 manual). 2 January 2071 SHODAN is installed to regulate Citadel Station security and operations.

(SS1 manual)3 March 2072 A drug trafficking suspect commits suicide in her cell. (Verrelli 0 7 April 2072 Hacker begins unauthorized entry into the TriOptimum data network. (SS1 cutscene)0126 8 April 2072 Hacker attempts to access protected files concerning Space Station Citadel. (SS1 cutscene)0133 8 April 2072 TriOptimum security personnel apprehend the hacker.

(SS1 cutscene)27 April 2072 Diego learns that he is under investigation by TriOp Internal Security. He decides to hire a programmer to hack SHODAN, allowing him to delete the evidence and use the station's defenses should TriOp attempt to remove Diego from Citadel. (Diego 270472)30 April 2072? Diego drops by New Atlanta and picks up a hacker at TriOp Detention Facility 71. (It's a Saturday. There would be fewer people there.)3 May 2072?

Diego and the hacker arrive at Citadel Station. The hacker is given a TriOptimum employee number (#2-4601) and Level 1 clearance to the SHODAN system.The number may be a reference to the 1862 French novel by Victor Hugo.

Its main character, Jean Valjean, is known by his prison number, 24601.4 May 2072? The hacker removes SHODAN's ethical constraints. Diego deletes all files concerning the mutagen experiments and the hacker. (SS1 cutscene)6 May 2072 The hacker undergoes the cybernetic implant operation and is placed in a healing coma.

(2-4601 060572)7 July 2072 Diego moves into better quarters, complementing his recent pay raise and hour cut. (Rosen 070772)4 August 2072 A vocal critic of Diego is found dead and stuffed in a service corridor. (Schuler 040872)4 August 2072 Bianca Schuler, working undercover for TriOptimum Internal Security, is assigned to Diego as his personal secretary. In his files, she finds massive evidence of a coverup, but nothing that directly links him to the mutagen experiments. (Schuler 040872)1 September 2072 The force bridge in flight bay 4 blows its fuses.

(Travers 010972)3 September 2072 The reactor aboard Citadel begins emitting radiation spikes. (Steinberg 050972)5 September 2072 All personnel are ordered to stay out of the reactor area. (Steinberg 050972)8 September 2072 SHODAN begins randomly displaying security codes on display screens throughout the Executive level. (Perry 110972)9 September 2072 The systems administrator requests SHODAN be replaced.

(SS1 manual)10 September 2072 The systems administrator is transferred off Citadel and the replacement order is cancelled. (SS1 manual)11 September 2072 The chemical storerooms are plundered.

(Anderczyk 110972)11 September 2072 A security bot goes haywire in the convection shaft. (Travers 110972)14 September 2072 Research level Beta quadrant experiences repeated power outages. (Endicott 140972)22 September 2072 Malfunctions in the SHODAN system begin to affect security functions on Citadel. (Hessman 220972)27 September 2072 Citadel crew members begin displaying symptoms of a mysterious viral illness. (Talbot 290972)30 September 2072 Robots and station systems begin malfunctioning. There is a marked slowdown in computer systems.

Maintenance is flooded with repair orders from all sections of the station. (SS1 manual)30 September 2072 SHODAN seals off Beta Grove. (Koufax 011072)2 October 2072? SHODAN begins bio-experimentation in Beta Grove. (Aaron 121072)4 October 2072 Gamma Grove is ejected with several executives on board.

However, SHODAN disables the grove's independent life support system, and all the executives die. (Wilkinson 041072)5 October 2072 Diego learns that TriOp Security will soon be coming for him and orders SHODAN to shoot down any shuttle attempting to board Citadel. (Diego 051072)6 October 2072 The mysterious viral illness continues to spread. The Medical staff impose a quarantine. (SS1 manual)7 October 2072 Several infected crewmembers go missing. Five medical staffers are found mutilated. (SS1 manual)7 October 2072 The armory is ransacked.

(SS1 manual)7 October 2072 Noting the ejection of Gamma Grove three days ago, SHODAN alters the jettison procedure to prevent the ejection of Beta Grove. (SHODAN 071072)8 October 2072? SHODAN reprograms all regeneration rooms into cyborg conversion chambers.

(O'Connell 091072)9 October 2072 Rioting erupts. (Security 101072)10 October 2072 A landing TriOptimum shuttle is blown out of the hangar when the station's shell cannons fire without authorization. (Travers 111072)11 October 2072 SHODAN locks down the Medical level. (Honig 111072)13 October 2072 SHODAN announces her intent to control all life aboard Citadel Station. (SS1 manual)13 October 2072 Citadel enters a communications blackout. (SS1 manual)15 October 2072 Mutagen experiment V-5 is transferred to Beta Grove. (SHODAN 151072)16 October 2072 Willard Richie, systems administrator, discovers that SHODAN is obfuscating the systems authorization code.

(Richie 161072)17 October 2072 The medical staff puts up their last stand. (Ozark 171072)19 October 2072 Ghiran organizes a resistance movement. (Ghiran 191072)20 October 2072 SHODAN begins charging the tachyon mining laser. (D'Arcy 201072)20 October 2072 Schuler attempts to reach the bridge.

(Schuler 201072)20 October 2072 Diego orders the capture of Schuler. (Diego 201072)23 October 2072 Schuler captured. (CY-014 231072)24 October 2072 Arnold Hessman, Citadel's chief engineer, decides that the only remaining option is to scuttle the station; however, he lacks the new systems authorization code.

(Hessman 241072)26 October 2072 SHODAN orders reinforcement of her fortress on the bridge. (SHODAN 261072)1 November 2072 Earth receives a short transmission from the survivors on board Citadel describing the massacre by SHODAN's forces. (SS1 manual)1 November 2072 Ghiran makes it to the Security level. (Ghiran 011172)2 November 2072 SHODAN orders the removal of all balconies and catwalks on the Security level. (SHODAN 021172)4 November 2072 SHODAN transmits a message to Earth threatening to 'raze the cities of Earth and reform life in my image'. James Chaskes, TriOp Director of Internal Security, gives Rebecca Lansing, a counter-terrorism consultant, authorization to go ahead with her plan involving Employee 2-4601. (SS1 manual)6 November 2072 The hacker awakens from his healing coma.


He is soon contacted by Lansing, who tells him that she knows all about his involvement with Diego. Faced with little choice, the hacker does as he is told. He ejects Beta Grove, sets the reactor to overload, and escapes the station in the bridge. He then connects to the station's main cyberspace jack and destroys SHODAN. (SS1)8 November 2072? A small flotilla of TriOp vessels intercept the Citadel Station bridge en route to Earth. The hacker is transferred to a VIP shuttle which promptly ferries him back to New Atlanta.

Demolition crews destroy the bridge.11 November 2072? TriOptimum Internal Security finishes debriefing the hacker.

He is offered a cushy position at TriOptimum, which he declines.18 November 2072? The hacker begins unauthorized entry into the TetraCorp corporate network. 2072 - 2075 As a result of the Citadel Incident, TriOptimum finds itself under attack. Financial backers withdraw support, other corporations terminate contracts, legions of employees defect to other companies, and dozens of class-action lawsuits are filed. Though TriOptimum takes a severe beating, the public becomes more and more dissatisfied with TriOptimum and corporate rule in general.2075 Using the public's discontent to their advantage, the national governments of Earth unite to form the Unified National Nominate.

They attempt to assume control of all megacorporate holdings but are met by armed resistance from corporate forces, igniting all-out war between the UNN and the megacorps. (backstory, SS2 manual)2076 Processing Rationalisation Act passed by UNN (shifted from 2074 in backstory).2078 Korenchkin begins his career selling technology on the black market. Originally based in St. Petersburg, Russia, he later moves his operations to America, specifically New Atlanta. (backstory)2078 Nanite technology developed at Masala University (objlooks)2082 Nanites adopted as currency by UNN (objlooks)2092 Korenchkin ends his career as a gangster.

(backstory)2097 Work published by Dr. Marie Delacroix makes Einstein's theories as obsolete as Einstein's theories made Newton's. (backstory)2102 Dr. Janice Polito-a prominent doomsayer in the AI field-and her colleagues secretly begin work on XERXES.

2102 Korenchkin purchases 51% of TriOptimum and begins to rebuild the company. (backstory)2107 Processing Rationalisation Act rescinded, replaced by a regulatory commission. 2110 Delacroix, working under grant from TriOptimum, publishes her research findings regarding FTL travel. (SS2 manual)2111 TriOptimum constructs and successfully tests a prototype FTL drive. (SS2 manual)2111 TriOptimum begins construction of the Von Braun. (SS2 manual)2 June 2111 Soldier G65434-2 enlists in the UNN Armed Forces.

(Note: This means you to go through your OCC's training and three one-year assignments in two years, seven months, and one week. That's the date on the log in the Basic Training booth at Ramsey.

Considering the things that go wrong during the assigments (gunnery sergeant snaps, crew mutinies, ship explodes, etc.) it's not implausible.)2112 Political prisoners are released from detention near Saturn. The UNN heavy cruiser Carfax takes heavy casualties when hit by a metorite in the outer solar system. Several Marines aboard the UNN Antigua are killed when their gunnery sergeant opens fire on them without provocation. Hackers take control of the automated asteroid mining facility JM-432. (Navy 2, Marine 2)2113 A dance known as the 'macarena' makes a comeback. 220,000 citizens of New Atlanta are killed when a spaceborne virus penetrates the city's micro-nanite shield. The crew of the UNN space station Yamamoto unsuccessfully attempt a mutiny.

Rebels overtake the Poliedes Station trade outpost; a Marine detachment is sent in to reestablish control. (Navy 3, Marine 3)0400 9 January 2114 Soldier G65434-2 takes the shuttle Mayfair from Port Francisco to the Von Braun. (SS2 cinematic)3 February 2114 The Von Braun and Rickenbacker leave Earth orbit. (SS2 cinematic)10 June 2114 The Von Braun receives a distress signal from the Tau Ceti region. (SS2 manual) Note: In game the log from Korenchkin noting the distress signal being received and agreement with Diego for exploration of Tau Ceti V is dated 14 Jun0800 15 June 2114 A shuttle containing senior officers from both ships lands on Tau Ceti V.

Bayliss is apparently the only one not infected by the Many, and picks up a data wafer which he later delivers to Polito. (Bayliss 260614, 270614)20 June 2114 Shuttle returns to VB from Tau Ceti. (Grassi 200714)28 June 2114 Unloading of eggs from Tau Ceti V completed and Hydroponics sealed off as nursery.(Korenchkin log)4 July 2114 SHODAN integrates herself into the Von Braun's computer.

In the guise of Polito, she tells Bayliss to disrupt Soldier G65434-2's memory restoration procedure. (Polito 040714, Bayliss 060714)5 July 2114 Large scale hacking of Xerxes starts (Delacroix log)6 July 2114 Xerxes effectively subverted (Bronson log).7-8 July 2114 Annelid infestation becomes widespread. Sim Units hacked, large number of crew killed by VB security forces.(various logs)7 July 2114 Soldier G65434-2 is transferred to Cryo Recovery. (Grassi 070714)10 July 2114 VB security forces wiped out. Polito commits suicide. Rickenbacker crippled by an internal explosion. (Bronson, Polito, Croker logs)11 July 2114 An attempt is made to set up a transmitter system.

By this time most of the crew are either dead or altered.12 July 2114 Soldier G65434-2 is awakened from his healing coma, avoids death several hundred times, destroys the Many Brain, and possibly destroys one incarnation of SHODAN. (Polito 120714, Delacroix 1 UNN elections due.

It could make sense if you consider the fact that Delacroix doesn't know Googles in person. He came on board in January. If he wasn't frozen in the early days of February but later, some important people should have known him.Or where did he stay this whole time?I'm very happy about this timeline. In the game it was hard to realise when logs were written(and under which circumstances).

They all are dated, of course. But they are lying around everywhere and sometimes I wonder how a specific message has come to be placed were it is. I was under the impression that the explosion which cripples the Rickenbacher is what you see at the very beginning of the game that causes the recovery unit to get exposed to hard vacuum. If so, that would put Palito's suicide after Shodan has been using her to communicate with the player which would make a certain kind of sense.

It would also space Goggles's many and varied achievements over a longer period of time which would also be somewhat less superhero-like. If I'm mistaken then I am unclear as to what causes that explosion to begin with. Er I'm still somewhat confused as I fail to see what the point of sabotaging the served except to kill a lot of people. Maybe that was all.

I'm guessing the Polito reference is talking about the e-mails that Shodan sends you under the guise of Polito, since Polito killed herself on the 10th:DATE 10.JUL.14JANICE POLITO, RICKENBACKER: PANDORATo: Delacroix, Dr. Marie.The genie of Citadel station is out of the bottle, and I am the cause.

I can't bear to be Pandora. And I'm not brave enough to wait around and see the death and misery I have caused. This is my last transmission, my friend.

I think SHODAN has plans for you.As for Delacroix, her two logs on that day are talking about the transmitter and then the one left for the player to find on her body in the Command Shuttle Bay.DATE 12.JUL.14MARIE DELACROIX, RECREATION: TRUSTING SHODANThe Annelids have cut us off from the transmitter. SHODAN tells me that once we've got the transmitter back on line and the ops computers reprogrammed, she'll be able to take control of the ship away from Xerxes.

Who should I trust less? An imposter claiming to be that monster, or the monster herself?DATE 12.JUL.14MARIE DELACROIX, COMMAND: SH$8DD@#N'S PL4NThey've got me now. And SHODAN has abandoned me. I'm not surprised. I've discovered her plans for the faster than light drives.

Her will is only matched by her imagination. If she gains access to the So indeed the player was awakened on the 12th, since the very first e-mail you get from Polito is dated the 12th.EmailName15:'POLITO 12.JUL.14nre: Ship damagen'EmailPortrait15:'Polito'EmailIcon15:'OpsIcon'EmailText15:'Watch out. I'm getting strange readings from that radar dish outside the window. It's become unstable due to. Take cover!n'I hadn't even thought of checking the dates of the e-mails until I started writing this post. So unless I'm missing something, it must be an inconsistency in the logs.