  1. Windows 10 Updates For This Computer

The Fast And The Slow Of Windows 10 Updates; Previous post Next post. July 20, 2017. Old Toshiba Laptop took 35 minutes, by annoyance is how slow the download is, you can continue working but hell I have fibre so downloads at over 100MB/s from capable servers (Linux?) it takes forever to download, so install not my issue (fingers cross as.

I recently upgraded both macOS (to High Sierra) and Parallels (to Home version 13).I was hoping that the upgrades would fix a problem that has plagued me since Parallels 11 and that is an extremely slow download and installation of Windows updates on my virtual machine. When I run the updater, it will show files that are available and says that it is downloading them, but shows 0% complete for a LONG period of time. Eventually the updates will complete (sometimes after they run for hours) and it seems to affect all update files (virus definitions, Windows Defender, Microsoft Office, Windows Updates). I have my machine configured in the manner that Parallels recommends for it to work with my Mac (mid-2011 MacBook Pro with 2.5 Ghz.

Windows 10 Updates For This Computer

I-7 processor and 16 GB of RAM) and I run the updates on a regular basis. I tried Parallels support about 6 months ago to try and solve the issue but had no success getting help with it.Can anyone suggest how I should set up my Windows 10 virtual machine to speed things up or what I need to do to troubleshoot this issue? Thanks Paul, but that's not my issue.

I'll admit I try to restrict Windows Updates as Microsoft Update seems to ignore my wishes and is always giving me the 'Do not shutdown. Installing updates 1%.' This morning I did run all the Updates and they installed fine. Speed tests download 108mbps on the OSX side but 2.6mbps on Parallels/Win10.I did try to reset winsock with:netsh winsock resetnetsh int ip resetAs usual, I am not interested in completely starting over as I have all my programs, Sql Server, databases, etc. If the network throughput is not anything seen with the Parallels installation I'll suffer along searching for why Windows is throttling my network connections.Steve. David, No fixes helped me and I was preparing to wipe and reinstall my Windows10. I decided to install a fresh new Windows 10 VM without deleting my existing VM.

After install, the first thing I tried in the new VM was the Edge browser and a speed test - resulting in similar speed as the OSX host. After the test I closed the new Win 10 and fired up my old VM and was quite surprised to find that my existing Win 10 was back to full speed network throughput.So try installing a new Win10 VM and maybe you'll be lucky as I was.Steve. Thanks Paul, but that's not my issue. I'll admit I try to restrict Windows Updates as Microsoft Update seems to ignore my wishes and is always giving me the 'Do not shutdown. Installing updates 1%.' This morning I did run all the Updates and they installed fine.

Speed tests download 108mbps on the OSX side but 2.6mbps on Parallels/Win10.I did try to reset winsock with:netsh winsock resetnetsh int ip resetAs usual, I am not interested in completely starting over as I have all my programs, Sql Server, databases, etc. If the network throughput is not anything seen with the Parallels installation I'll suffer along searching for why Windows is throttling my network connections.Steve.