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Cashlog as Carrier Billing Enabler for TelcosIn terms of the Carrier billing ecosystem, Cashlog is a game changer, moving the industry from mere Carrier APIs exposed to third parties to Carrier Billing Enablers, providing all stakeholders with an integrated and holistic customer centric solution: a truly digital native experience. Credentials. Among our clients we count some of the largest national and multinational Carriers. One Stop Shop. Thanks to the above-mentioned clients, our Enabler is virtually integrated with all key digital revenue contributors (merchants, aggregators and stores), so speedy time to market is ensured. Efficient Technical Set Up. One single Integration between Cashlog and the Carrier to handle the entire ecosystem.


Banking License. One of our Group assets to enlarge the size of the opportunity. Modules providing all stake holders with all functionalities beyond billing required to grow the business.

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Business Model 100% aligned with Carrier’s interest.