
Lenovo Yoga Screen Dims Randomly


Laptop Screen Brightness Dims Randomly

Screen dimming and brightening on its own.My monitor seems to be dimming and brightening on its own. My system is a desktop with a monitor which is really a flatscreen tv.Everytime I close out something the screen dims. When I open up something it brightens again but it may not stay bright. When doing MS Word it will dim and brighten as I do key strokes or scrolling.Right now as I'm composing this thread, it is staying bright.I just scrolled up to the top of the screen and it dimmed (looking for post button which I now see is below and not up).

My Screen Dims And Brightens Randomly Windows 10

How To: Disable Adaptive Brightness on Windows 10 for Maximum Screen Brightness By Isaac Sahag; 7/30/15 9:13 AM. (60-80% of the time) have a dim screen on the laptop after re-starting my computer, although my second screen remains bright. If I disable the Intel graphics card and use basic, I have a bright screen again on the laptop but it. Disable auto brightness on your (Kindle) Fire tablet. But I find this screen dimming rather annoying, so I'll show you how to turn it off. Besides, changing brightness on-the-fly on your Fire is very easy. To configure your Fire, swipe down with your finger from the top of the screen, where the clock is.