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Do you rememberthe word 'COLONIALISM'!? In the US we learn about it in elementary school. Ourheroes were men with names like Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin. They led a revolutionto free our ancestors from the yoke of colonialism.

Yes, the same type of colonialism, andthe resistance to colonialism, that founded our great country hit me smack in the facethis weekend. I received this video from an acquaintance working in Angola, on the westAfrican coast, entitled 'Ce que vous verrez bientot dans les rues de Luanda.' Ok, it is French, and I could kind of read what it said but immediately clicked over to myGoogle 'Language Tools' to verify that it said 'What you will soon see onthe streets of Luanda.' Then I got a bit confused. The narration going on during thevideo was Portuguese! So, I receive an e-mail in English, with a subject line in French,and a video narrated in Portuguese.

I wrote Vince back, asking for clarification and toget a better understanding of what was going on. (Vince owns and maintains a vintage CatD7 and Cat D2 here in the States) The demonstration was performed in Soyo, northernAngola, historically a Portuguese colony, by a dealership from across the Congo River inthe Republic of Congo, a historically French colony. This email reminded me that I reallyknow nothing of Angola, or the rest of the African continent. So I began to learn. Istarted with the basics, '!?' I also gathered fundamental information on Angola and its.As soon as I read 'second-largest petroleum and diamond producer insub-Saharan Africa' a bright red 'Warning' flag unfurled and began to wave.' MajorResources' means Big Business, leading to American corporate profits being called'US National Interests', which leads to excuses to bring in the military, andultimately governments will rise and fall, and the regular people, unknown families andunknown individuals, will be silent, unknown victims.

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As said 'Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow theflag.' But is this old pattern destined to repeat? Bush unveiledhis plan to centralize the US military command for the African continent.

President GeorgeBush said Africom would advance 'our common goals of peace, security, development,health, education, democracy, and economic growth.' My, that sounds nice! Those wordsare familiar and comforting.

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They are supposed to sound nice.Yes! I am a skeptic! THAT sounds like business as usual to me! Those aresome of the same old buzz words, Public Relations Fodder, that we are so used to hearingfrom our foreign policy makers. The African continent has been suffering through variousforms of political, military, and economic enslavement for centuries. Temas para ps3 batman 2. Expect colonialismand exploitation to continue.While I do not know Africa, Khadija knows Africa. She writes and.Khadija has explored the and the subject of economic enslavement, including that ofAngola, and describes it beautifully in ' She also has some insight on the role of BigBusiness in Somalia.

Coming to your News outlets soon, expect to hearmore reasons why the US needs to promote stable governments in Africa ( learn to say'Puppet') and for those countries who do not want to go along with our plans, wewill take 'Democracy' to them, not by example, but with USAfricom. Morecolonialism, but this time the US will be playing the role of King George II of England,and any person living in the 53 various entities of Africa who resists these colonialchanges or the governments we create and prop up will not be called heroes. They will bebranded as being a terrorist, a revolutionary, or a warlord (expect to hear words like'suspected links to Al-Qaeda' many times.It works!!!) If you skipped over the' link, go back and read it. When next you read or hearwords like 'we're sending in troops on a Humanitarian Mission' from either ourpress or government leaders, take pause.Do not jump to conclusions.Do notautomatically accept and buy into what they claim to be their 'justification'for the next invasion.

The people being invaded will not always be throwing flower petalsat our young soldier's feet, as was predicted in Iraq. When it comes to war, America meansbusiness. Will be enough to support corporate profit!?Will beenough!? (Pentagon Count) The number keeps growing, as explored by and others.So now the US will have a new President, one who ran for office on thevision of Change and Hope. With a history of death and detruction resulting from ourforeign policies, is there any chance that Hope will survive, that Change will reallycome!?

Bill Blum’s lede to his book ' reads:I f you flip over the rock of American foreignpolicy of the past century, this is what crawls out.invasions. Suppressing movementsfor social change. Assassinatingpolitical leaders. Manipulating labor unions.manufacturing 'news'. Death squads.torture. Biological warfare.depleted uranium.

Drug trafficking.mercenaries.It's not a prettypicture.It is enough to give imperialism a bad name.POLANDThe video of the John Deere 450 above was sent to me by Wojtek from theregion of Poland. (Northeast Poland) Wojtek is clearing a path on the road so thatthey can get in and out from the farm.

Best Place To Cross Reference A Caterpillar Part Number

We've been honored to help Wojtek in keepinghis JD 450 Running and operating. His video is pretty special. Wojtek hasrecently moved to.a major historical port in Poland.The Kingdom of Poland came into existence in the year1025.

The People's Republic of Poland began in 1952Between those years, because Poland is situated as it is between the historicalsuperpowers of Germany and Russia, it is not surprising that the Poles suffered throughcenturies of turbulence. After WWII, and after the loss of 6 million Polish citizens, onefifth of its population, the victorious Allies redefined Poland's borders and the Polishpeople lost 20% of their land.Poland's contribution to the people of modern day Europe has been significant. Theimportance of the labor union Solidarnosc (Solidarity), with a membership of over 9million at its peak of popularity, gave the world a model from which other citizens of theworld have taken notice and successfully emulated. What Solidarnosc started had more to dowith the fall of the Berlin Wall than any of the political and rhetorical pap we are fedon this side of the ocean.The 4th of June, 1989 marked a decisive victory for democracy in Poland and, ultimately,across (Central and) Eastern Europe.' —Angela MerkelHere in the US we should remember the lessons of Solidarnosc too. If the'Occupy' movements and the 'Tea Party' movements ever recognize thatthey have the most important tenet of their respective protests in common, that of anout-of-control-government that does not operate for the benefit 'Of the People'or 'For the People' and that their government is certainly not controlled'By the People' then things might really change for the better. The twomovements could create a 'Solidarity' that would shake the foundations of WallStreet, the oil companies, the insurance companies, the drug companies, and ultimately,the military industrial complex that controls our lives.

We could actuallychange from the Corporatist Democracy we now have to one closer to the ideal of a populistdemocracy.Let the oligarchs shudder as they did in Poland!CATERPILLAR INTERCHANGESOTHER INTERCHANGESBIG.PARTS-SERVICE-SALES INFO DOWNLOADSEquipment Information Quick Jump.