Egxamer1 8 years ago#3. Take the tram through to Ironforge and get crackin first east from IF and then north into Loch Modan. Past the dam and through the passage onward to the Wetlands and Menthil Harbor. And enjoy the scenery while you can because sooner than you think its going to be dust. Go to booty bay at the very bottom of your map, and take a gryphon to the nearest place you can get to the arathi highlands. Then run there. Then fly out of grom gol. There is ALWAYS a path to get you somewhere, look on maps online. They couldnt and wouldnt make it impossible to get out of somewhere. Nov 27, 2010 Head through the pass into the Hinterlands. The Horde flight path is in the far east of the zone, on the coast. Make your way across country to the east until you find the road at Hiri'watha. Follow the road east almost all the way to the cliffs, then take the trail branching northeast (away from the troll city Jintha'Alor).
From Stormwind you have to go North past Ironforge. Take theDeeprun Tram to Ironforge, and exit the front gates. Go East andfollow the road into Loch Modan/Wetlands. You need to exit at thewetlands, through the various tunnels on the East end of themap.Once in the wetlands, take the North road into the ArathiHighlands. Take any flightpaths along the way for an easy return.At the Arathi Highlands, take the road West from Refuge Pointe pastthe great wall at the West end of the map.Pass through the opening in the wall and you will enterSouthshore.
From here, follow the mountain range at the North endof the map (behind the keep). You will know what route to takebecause there will be a pair of named griffins flying aroundhere.Where the griffins are, pass through the mountain pass to findyourself in the Hinterlands. Captain Lancy Revshon, in the Trade District, sells Stormwind Tabard which grants reputation in all dungeons. Large amounts of Stormwind reputation can be gained in the following zones: Arathi Highlands, Duskwood, Dustwallow Marsh, Elwynn Forest, Northern Stranglethorn, Redridge Mountains, Southern Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains, Stormwind City, Twilight Highlands, Western Plaguelands, Westfall.
There are also daily quests available from the Argent Tournament, as well as Stormwind Writ of Commendation from the Molten Front. Read more about it.