
Lewis, I don't know about varifier, but I use a clarifier peep on my 3D bow. I also have a 4x lens on the bow so 'my old eys' can see the targets better. Before I put the clarifier peep in the targets were blurry to me through the 4x scope. They were magnified, but blurry. The clarifier cleared that up for me. I will say this, they come in several different sizes and it's important that the pro shop you get it from let you try several to get the correct one for your eyes.

Verifier bow and hunter crossword

The also come in a few different string angle designs, and again, it's important to get the correct one for your string angle. I have one on my Mathews M8 and it's the #1 clarifier with 3/32' opening. Lewis, I just checked on the difference between the varifier and the clarifier. The way it is explained is that the varifier clears up things up close (like your sight pins) whereas the clarifier clears up thing farther away (like the target). It seems that for clearing up hunting pins you would go with a varifier, and for clearing up a blurry target as viewed through a scope, then the clarifier is what you use.

Both are available in different sizes and should be tried before being bought. I hope this helps. Verifier was the answer for my problem. My vision is not terrible but my far vision is bad enough to want to use glasses or contacts when hunting to see game better. Problem is/was that when I corrected my far vision, my near vision got worse and my pins were blurry.

Customer Care - Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm EST (800) 745 4296 / (717) 432 8944. This is a very good product and does exactly what it is made to do. It clears up the lens and eliminates the fogyness. I have a pretty good quality lens and was a bit disappointed with the clarity. This peep really helped with that. The only down side I have found is it makes the scope seem a bit smaller. When looking through the peep it gives you an optical effect that makes the scope seem to. Purchase Specialty Verifier Aperture at Lancaster Archery Supply. Get TechXPert advice online from our archery experts. An avid bow hunter since I was 20. After hitting 45 my eye sight went with the rest of my hair. Distance was no problem but could not see to read. Shot for a couple of years with very blurry pins and went from a pretty.

Verifier bow and hunter boots

My accuracy declined and I tried several things, including a multi-focal contact lens in my right eye. Finally bit the bullet and went with the clarifier and it works great. Only potential issue(and I haven't experienced it yet) is, because it's a lens, it can fog in certain conditions (i.e.

Verifier Bow And Hunter Crossword

Rain, etc.) I carry a standard peep insert to replace the lens if necessary if I'm hunting in those conditions. One of the big reasons I made the switch over to a xbow was my pin problem on my compound, I could see the target aok, but my pins I was seeing triple.

So I went down to a single pin slide set up, but still saw triple on that one pin. Yes the verifier helps, there are 4 different magnifications but remember not to pick one to powerful or you will not be able to see the target.

Verifier Bow And Hunter Youtube

For some reason looking through a scope I have no problem. Can I still shoot my Mathews bow, yes. But with confidence of yesteryears no. Just installed one this week. Starburst is gone but now I have 2 pin dots, side by side. Kinda like a figure 8 laid sideways at the tip of my pin.So it's better, but it still isn't right.I also tried the high dollar Trijicon Accupin slider this week but that didn't work either. Had two triangle tips instead of one.

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Also, couldn't see the bubble or the yardage numbers on the wheel without my glasses. And I don't hunt with my glasses on.Unless I'm watching porn on my iPhone in my treestandGetting old blows but I guess it still beats the alternative. I've been using one for years. Never had a problem with it fogging or rain etc while hunting.

Verifier Bow And Hunter Boots

If you have a shop nearby that sells them they'll have a sample kit you can use to pick out the power you need. They're marked by colors. The stronger you go to get your pins sharper the blurrier the target is going to get so there is a trade off.

For hunting I recommend starting with the silver color (lowest power). If you want a larger peep for hunting they make one I think is 1/4'. For me it clears up the pins just enough without making the target too blurry. I to suffer from the 'big blur' so I put a verifier in the string of my back-up/3D bow. What a difference! It's a low power, so I can see the target just as well as I could without it, but the pins are very distinct. Even the wire on the Spot Hogg is crisp.

I have to hunt in the rain and snow, quite a bit, so I'm leery about using one on my hunting bow. The only thing I don't like is that the largest lens available is 3/16'. With the lens removed the peep is then 1/4', which offers some versatility.

Highly recommended for 3D and target and probably for hunting depending on your conditions. I had a verifier put in my peep about two years ago. Then I went bowhunting for Roosevelt elk in Oregon, and had a big 5X5 at 30 yards, and I wasn't able to shoot because my verifier had fogged up. I went back to camp and taped an empty pill bottle to the riser of my bow. Then I filled the pill bottle with Q-tips. Any time that I am hunting in high humidity, if I anticipate a shot opportunity, I CONSTANTLY check the verifier to see if it is fogging up. If it is, I stop and clear it with a Q-tip, and then stick the Q-tip on my ear.in case I need one again quickly.it only takes a couple seconds.but it does remind me that this gettin' old business is for the birds!!

Where is your visual focus when you are at full-draw, ready to release an arrow? Are you looking at you bow sight’s pin, or at the target?Most bowhunters shooting a compound bow have three objects to their visual aiming system – the peep sight, the bow sight, and the target. The human eye will use these objects for alignment and aiming, but the eye cannot focus on all of these objects equally.

It is natural for the human vision to have limited focus – If I stretch out my hand to arm’s-length I cannot focus on my fingertips, while at the same time focusing on a wall that may be 10 yards past my fingers.But before we get to the bow sight’s pins and the target, it is worth noting that the peep sight further affects our eyes’ ability to focus at particular distances. “Diffraction” is a scientific principle that has to do with light, vision and focus.