Mar 01, 2012 Answers. Best Answer: You can go into the Steam Workshop, find the mod, and unsubscribe from it pretty much the same way you got it in the first place. You can also deactivate the mod by loading Skyrim, choosing 'Data Sets' and removing the check box next to the mod's name. This won't prevent Steam from updating the mod.
I'm just gonna copy/paste from New Horizon's mod listing for instructions:UnsubscribeDelete local in.DocumentsParadox InteractiveStellarisworkshopcontent86068Delete local in Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppsworkshopcontent86068ResubscribeIn this case, the '688086068' folder is the specific folder for the New Horizons Mod. All mods will be found within the 281990 folder with similar number-string names.I found it easier to unsubscribe from everything and.delete every mod., then resubscribe.There was a namechange in how mods were handled and I don't know if it was Steam or Paradox who made the change.
I'm guessing it was Steam, because Stellaris read the old files just fine - and they had precedence over the new ones due to the name change.