
Almost six year after its release, Mount & Blade: Warband keeps providing PC gamers with a lot of fun, especially thanks to a lively modding community, that creates a lot of full conversion modules that are almost new games in their own right.This is the case with Prophesy of Pendor, that keeps the fantasy setting, but overhauls it completely, aiming for a quite different playstyle and feel compared to the original Calradia.Yesterday night, the team behind the mod led by Saxondragon, that brings quite a lot of fixes and visual improvements. It’s also a whole lot of fun to play, thanks to the great mix between ultra-sandbox RPG and first/third person field battle gameplay.If you’re familiar with Mount & Blade: Warband, you can download the mod and a quick hotfix patch.If you’re not, and you play on PC, seriously, what’s wrong with you? On the other hand, if you play on consoles, Mount & Blade: Warband is slated for a release on PS4 and Xbox One, even if we still don’t know when, and mod support is probably not on the menu.

If not all the platforming is fixed then a mod that fixes all of that would be great. I like games that let me free roam across a jump that I probably wouldn’t make very well in real life. I feel like I should be able to cross a small stream.Also Idk if there are but there should be some kind of player housing or land ownership. Like if the owner of the land is killed you can talk to someone about buying that land.

Jul 07, 2017  Mount & Blade: Warband’s best mods and where to get them. In anticipation of the sequel hopefully hitting its potential 2017 release date, we’ve rounded up some of the best mods. Are there any good singleplayer wild west mods for Warband? I also may have seen it and misread the timestamp or thought 1860 was a multiplayer only mod. But thank you for the help. Soyuz Mercenary 2 points 3 points 4 points 3 years ago. 1860 Old America for Warband. 1866 for Original. 1866 is much better in my opinion. Yes, another warband mod. I love warband but i think the native gameplay need some changes and additions. Contrary to many other mods, the computer requirements are not driven in the height. Tocan's calradia try to improve the gameplay experience which makes m&b so fun, by including the best mods, adding new fe.

Building the house from the ground up would be pretty cool too, like say an architect presents you with a building plan and as you get money you can pay his builders to put it together. It would be awesome if you could literally watch them slowly put it together, like make it so that the entire building process is a slow animation, and after each part is finished it maybe turns into a more physical model that you can actually move through. Nothing too fantastical but a nice little home, maybe with a barn and some stables.Also slaves. It would be cool if you could occasionally run into peasants who you could kidnap and put at the player home, maybe as an extension to the mod. Like you could knock them out somehow and load them on your horse in the night, slipping them poison to keep them asleep and slowly making it back to your land. During the day if people see you in town with a kidnapped peasant they would pull the peasant down or attack you depending on how intimidating you looked, if too scary they could call the closest guard or just decide to refuse services and start telling you to not come around.I also hope there are some followers.

Mount And Blade Warband Moddb Mods

A group of companions with in depth character would be awesomeee. Maybe even commenting on the surroundings or the weather or what you are wearing or on their own personal needs like if they are hungry or if their armor or weapons are damaged or if they want more or less pay or need more arrows.I’m going to stop there lmaoOh wait also horse mounted combat and jousting.annnnddd better death animations. I don’t doubt they will put more into that but right now they seem extremely stiff, even once they have fallen over. I think they should have a moment of “oh shit” and fall a little bit, but when they hit the ground dead it should be more loose physics. Even like when a person gets hit with an arrow while running, maybe make them tumble or trip up and roll a time or two and grab at the pain for a second before just limping up. Or another like they get hit in the chest and stumble back or to the side, then just fall over if its a death blow like in a sneak attack.

War Band Wild West Mod


Basically deaths just need to be more exaggerated than boring. It would also be sweet if they went to the ground you could kick them on their back and end them by stabbing your sword through them or shooting them with an arrow. KC:D seems to not over do anything.

So, the mod I’d like is a mod that would, in extremely rare cases, have the ghost of a person you killed haunting the area he or she died in, but only at night. Being in its presence harms you and only you, slightly, as long as you’re there. Appropriately creepy visuals and audio are necessary. You cannot fight it and win.The haunting can be ceased by various acts of various difficulty.

A bandit’s ghost might be satisfied if you found his corpse, be it bones or a body, and burying it. Somebody you murdered in cold blood might need to be exorcised by a clergy member. That clergy member will want something from you in return such as certain holy objects before the exorcism before it is performed, and afterwards you must do a service for the church or your reputation plummets. Perhaps your food also tends to go rotten a little quicker if you do not perform the service, a little joke from God until you perform the service.