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. ongoing In the past, I've heard lots of people saying things like 'my god, ravenholm is the best' and 'super scary', etc. I'm curious because I'm not quite sure- are people being serious or is this a joke? Because in my opinion, Ravenholm was by far the worst level in half life 2. Not sure where the technical start is, but once you get into that part with the rotating blades (not with Dog's scene,etc.) it all goes to hell. Enemies are mindless pieces of crap that just walk towards you, the atmosphere sucks, and overall, it feels like the wrong game.

And then, my god, the jumping puzzles. What were they thinking? Lots more, but I'm curious, this is a joke? Because if not, what?

How is that scene where you're in the town with the rebels not the key scene people talk about? What?or is it because you get to use the gravity gun for the first time in ravenholm. @Wyre said: 'To me, Ravenhold was an annoying series of waves of tiny enemies flying through the air, and a serious lack of ammo. I never thought the gravity gun was that much fun, so instead I felt forced to use it to conserve ammo.Though I love the scream the zombies do when you set them on fire.

That's the best scream I can recall from any video game. I want to know who voiced that scream, because it's amazing, and does a great job of conveying the agony of what being on fire must feel like.' IMO the gravity gun is fun because of puzzles. As a weapon itself, meh, except for the sawblades.

@Wyre said: 'To me, Ravenhold was an annoying series of waves of tiny enemies flying through the air, and a serious lack of ammo. I never thought the gravity gun was that much fun, so instead I felt forced to use it to conserve ammo.Though I love the scream the zombies do when you set them on fire. That's the best scream I can recall from any video game. I want to know who voiced that scream, because it's amazing, and does a great job of conveying the agony of what being on fire must feel like.' IMO the gravity gun is fun because of puzzles. As a weapon itself, meh, except for the sawblades.

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'I guess it was a great addition to your arsenal, just not that fun when using only it. I did have a lot of fun shooting stuff and then switching to throw a barrel or sawblade at someone, then go back to shooting people again.Man, I need some more HL. Maybe I should play through the 360 version since I've only beat it on PC and have both. @EndBoss said: ' THANK YOU FOR THE SPOILERS, BASTARD. 'haven't you read the title of the post?, and anyways, how old is this game?

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'I was about to say, '90 day spoiler-free period is up and then some.' As far Ravenholm goes, I think the reason why it is so memorable/scary is that it is such a tonal shift for the game. For the most part, the story up to that point has been pretty much sci-fi soldiers and headcrabs. Then you have what is basically a zombie-infested town where you are shooting off buzzsaws and running for your life. Really, its the first time you use the gravity gun to any real effect as your frantically looking around for something to shoot at the incoming shambling zombies.

I don't think its 'scary,' persay, but I don't think any game is scary. More over, its a great atmosphere that I am wanting to get out of immediately, not because its annoying but genuinely unsettling. That said, the jumping bits are annoying, but that's always the worst part of any Half-Life game. I don't have the game, but playing the chapter that was in the demo, I already don't like it (which makes me wonder why point insertion in the demo could've been longer than Ravenholm). First part of it was alright, a few jumps from headcrabs here and there, but when the different zombies started coming, my heart couldn't stop beating. I'm not sure what was worse, the super fast zombies, or the poison headcrab carriers, but I just stopped shortly afterwords. Couldn't take it.

Half Life 2 Manhack

That, and I kept running out of ammo, and the gravity gun was useless in areas that I couldn't use it proper. To me it was one part playground to show off the gravity gun and another part horror game. I can definitely see where the frustration would come from with some admittedly terrible jumping puzzles and enemies that instantly bring your health to 1 with poison but other than that, I really enjoyed/was horrified with my time in Ravenholm.

In regards to the mindless enemies, I think they served to illustrate the creepy and haunting atmosphere of the level to show a different side to the game while giving you enemies who didn't fight back to hard, allowing you to experiment with the different uses of the gravity gun. Never got tired of hurling saw blades at enemies to chop 'em in half.

Manhacks in the Citadel.The Manhack's spinning blades produce a high-pitched whirring sound, which is often an indicator of its proximity. Its blades are powerful enough to cut and break through wooden obstacles, but not through stronger materials such as metal or concrete. Manhacks are programmed with very little concept of self-preservation, careening off walls and through objects in their single-minded pursuit of their target, causing damage to it upon collision. They are especially deadly in confined spaces such as alleyways, sewers, and small passages.Manhacks never travel alone and are usually deployed in groups of four or more; they are sometimes accompanied by other Combine troops. Thanks to their small size, they can enter areas inaccessible to other units.

Some officers additionally carry up to two of them on their person and can deploy them in battle.Tactics They appear to have some resistance to gunfire, and are more easily destroyed by being smashed with a hard object. Attacking a Manhack with a Crowbar or pushing or punting it with the causes it to become disoriented, and lose interest in its target for a few moments as it re-stabilizes itself. During this, the red light on the Manhack turns orange and the machine emits a high-pitched warning signal; a second Crowbar blow or Gravity Gun primary fire punt is lethal.

Using the Gravity Gun, Manhacks can also be launched into walls, which instantly destroys them, or even other Manhacks and enemies. They can alternatively be used as a chainsaw-like weapon.Related Achievements Hack Attack! (5G)Kill five enemies with a Manhack.Behind the scenes. Several older Manhack models are known to have been created:. What may consist in the oldest model is only found as its texture files in the leak, in the model texture folder obsolete/ManhackOld. It suggests a completely different model partially covered in blood, with at the front a blade symbol and 'C17 M5' or 'C17 MS' under it. The version featured in the demo '.

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It is an orange Manhack with grey flaps, and it is featured as the preview image of the leak model. However its model and textures are not in the leak files. The version, similar to the retail version but less detailed. In the leak files, a texture named grenade003.vtf shows a completely yellow model.

The model is not available. Originally, Manhacks were to be able to be reprogrammed by and used against Combine forces.

How To Install Half Life 2 Mods

A similar concept was used in, in which Alyx would reprogram the. A location called the ' was planned, during development, as an entertainment center in.

At the Arcade, Citizens would play a video game that consisted of piloting a Manhack to chase down and kill fugitive Citizens, ignorant of the fact that the Manhacks in the games were real, and that people were actually dying. The player would have been able to play the game, for which the entity playermanhack was to be used. The Manhack was also planned to be included in 's Battle mode as a weapon, but was never finished end eventually got scrapped. It can only be obtained on the PC version by using the debugequipweapon 1 console command, but can not be used.

The weapon uses the 's models, however its own models are present in the game files; the viewmodel's animations indicate that it would allow the players to deploy team-colored Manhacks which could be remotely detonated. Files related to the weapon were last modified on June 19 and August 2, 2007, suggesting that it might have been added in the 2.0 update.Trivia Using a Manhack as a crude chainsaw is one of 's favorite things to do with the Gravity Gun. Gallery Pre-release.

↑ Prima Guide. ↑. files, npcmanhack.cpp., page 173. on. game files., page 278 Manhack Other Aperture Science (cut)Black Ops (cut)Combine (cut) HECU (cut)Resistance (cut) Xen (cut)Other (cut) The units Mechanical units Manhack ( ) Other Leaders / key figures (cut)Minor members (cut) Humanoid units (cut) Synth units (cut) Mechanical units (cut)Weapons (cut) Transportation (cut) Technology (cut) Locations (cut).