So, basically, I found out a way to get more FPS in prison by adjusting a few video settings in Arma 3. Those are pretty simple and might actually give you more FPS overall. I hope they work for you.1.
Set your Objects setting to Low2. Set your Shadow setting to Disabled, as well as your Shadow distance to 503. Turn yourself in to a bounty hunter or to a money-hungry cop and test your new settings.Please let me know if you were successful or not.
I particularly went from around 2030 FPS to 4050. Since prison seems to have a lot of objects, those new settings might help you increase your frames.Edited January 31, 2017 by BlackShot. Im preety sure the way that Arma works, the higher the settings are the more hardware the game utilizes.For example, if you have all your settings on the lowest that they can be then the game will only use CPU. If you have a mix between High and Medium it uses GPU and CPU. Still not at their full potential but it uses GPU and CPU depending on your settings.Also overlocking your CPU and GPU helps alot. Usually all GPU's have a good enough Cooling System that can support a bit of overclocking.And on the other hand CPU's just need a goodish to good Air Cooler thats like £10-£15 around 13$-20$ and you can easily overclock your CPU to its max.
Step 1, Access Unturned's settings. These can be accessed from the Menu - Configuration, or if you are in-game, press Esc. These settings will help you control your game and its appearance.Step 2, Select Options. From here, there is an abundance of settings, including Volume, Field of View, and whether zombies splatter blood upon dying. All the other options don't affect gameplay; they just change how certain things look. Enable Show FPS/Ping: This will allow you to see and measure your FPS. Greetings everyone! This is an updated version of my older video, ' How To Increase Fps In Arma 3 - Updated - Low Fps Fix!!! Quick n' Easy!' Difference between the two is this one should work for. Even as last week Nvidias Performance Driver was released which increases the fps in BF4 by 44,9% compared to the previous driver. BF3 gains 39% more fps. And a bunch of other Games reacts to the new driver, EXPECT Arma3 = gain: 0% I hope the community will someday wake up and stop to spread such ridiculous and useless 'FPS-Gain Tips'.
I got a AMD 8350 with a 120MM fan on a Medium Sized heatsink and its around 4.5Ghz and under load around 80C. Intel wont need as much cooling because they mainly have better chipsets, but anyway.Your settings dont have to be on low. Just try to get a perfect mix between Med and High settings.
Since yesterday I'm experiencing stuttering especially when turning as well as shooting.I've been on dev branch until yesterday, everything has been silky smooth previously on both Altis and Tanoa.Looks like 15-25 in the editor just running around with no AI, when checking the FPS counter in the menu it says 60 (?)I've made no changes in my video settings.Have had around 55-68 FPS these last weeks on dev branch, with plenty of AI and stuff.i am in exactly the same situation.i use an asus ROG 15'i hope this can be fixed.