
Contents.Description The Black Knight was introduced in both as a front-line combatant and as a command at the and level for the. Its advanced communications gear allowed the Black Knight to effortlessly coordinate an entire company of 'Mechs simultaneously, could easily link together the command frequencies of an entire parent and connect with orbital support. Advanced building materials gave the Black Knight a light but strong chassis able to carry more weapons and armor for less weight. Given the type and amount of firepower the 'Mech carries the only issue facing the Black Knight is heat management.The Black Knight first debuted in the when they were fielded by the in combat with the; following its success it was soon adopted by and the rest of the SLDF. When the collapsed, Kong Interstellar continued producing Black Knights until their orbital factory was destroyed in.

In, Kong was able to restart their production line, but was no longer capable of producing many of the more advanced components found in the Black Knight. As a result, Kong was forced to design a downgraded version, the BL-7-KNT. Finally the Black Knight production line was permanently destroyed in a raid by the in, reducing the company to producing low-grade spare parts and performing maintenance.During the many Black Knights fell into the hands of the, although as the years progressed they were increasingly forced to repair them with inferior components and their numbers slowly decreased. Some were modified with a number of non-standard components such as but few if any survived into the. 's stockpiles of Star League 'Mechs included the Black Knight, which they found to be an excellent command unit for and units when the were formed, but the very few Black Knights gifted to the during was apparently the result of a clerical error.

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For their part the maintained the Black Knight, although by the time of the it was reserved for units.The Black Knight was one of several put together by ComStar leading up to the, and in the secured a license from Kong Interstellar to build a new variant, the BL-12-KNT. Two years later KIC finished rebuilding their plant and began producing Black Knights of their own. Weapons and Equipment The Black Knight is an all energy weapon 'Mech, with a Magna Hellstar II in the right arm serving as its primary weapon. Backing up the PPC are two McCorkel in either side torso that can inflict a great deal of damage as the Black Knight closes with its enemy.

Finally, for close range fighting, the 'Mech employs four Maxell DT, one in either arm and in either side torso and a single Magna in the head. The small laser in particular is directly tied-in to the mounted in the center torso, allowing the scanner to piggy-back a low-power laser pulse to travel through any interfering objects.

While allowing for a more detailed analysis of objects the limited range of the laser reserves this type of scanning only for nearby targets.Thirteen tons of armor protection on an frame also allows the Black Knight to stand up to a great deal of punishment. The main drawback of the design is its use of, though the fact it mounts twenty of them means the Black Knight is still able to dissipate a great deal of the heat produced by its weapons. However, if the 'Mech finds itself in a protracted combat situation, a less experienced unskilled at heat management can find themselves in trouble. Variants. BL-6-RR This experimental version introduced in makes use of Clan-grade weaponry.

The standard medium lasers and PPC of the BL-6-KNT are swapped for Clan versions of. The lighter particle cannon allows an additional single heat sink to be added. BV (2.0) = 1,954.

BL-6b-KNT Used by the BattleMech regiments, the 6b was introduced in and upgraded the heat dissipation system with. The tonnage saved was used to upgrade the large lasers to Raker-X and the PPC to an Kinslaughter.

BV (2.0) = 1,627. BL-7-KNT The BL-7 Black Knight is the downgraded version of the 'Mech produced during the Succession Wars following the destruction of Kong Interstellar Corporation's factories on Connaught in. Production of the BL-7-KNT began in and continued until the destroyed the plant in; thereafter many of the repairs made by the Great Houses to their own Black Knights in many ways mimicked Kong's version. The Endo Steel chassis was replaced with a chassis which, while keeping the weapons payload and engine the same, required a reduction in overall armor protection by two tons. While the same weapon types was retained, the McCorkel, Maxell and Magna lasers were replaced with their respective Tronel III, II and I models.

Kong Interstellar also replaced the communications system with the system and the targeting and tracking systems with a system. BV (1.0) = 1,106, BV (2.0) = 1,443.

BL-7-KNT-L This is a field modification from the during the Succession Wars. Because of the scarcity of PPCs within that realm Black Knights with a damaged PPC would have that weapon replaced with a large laser, while the extra space and weight left over allowed for two additional heat sinks to be added.

BV (2.0) = 1,409. BL-9-KNT One of the so-called 'Clanbuster' refits developed by ComStar in the lead-up to the Battle of Tukayyid, this variant has been equipped with an Vlar 300, allowing it to mount an upgraded and heavier weapons load.

The PPC was upgraded to an Magna Sunspot, the medium lasers switched to Aberdovey, a Aberdovey added to the center torso, and both the small laser and Beagle Active Probe were removed. To handle the heavier heat load, the heat sinks were upgraded to double strength versions. In addition, for close-in work, the Black Knight carries long-sword shaped 5-ton in its left hand, allowing it to make devastating physical attacks.

BV (1.0) = 1,222, BV (2.0) = 1,678. BL-12-KNT The BL-12 was probably the most technologically advanced version of the Black Knight leading up to the. While still based on the original BL-6 model this design goes in a completely different direction from the BL-9. Introduced in the first thing that was done to the BL-12 was the upgrade of all of the medium lasers and the PPC to extended range versions, then its single heat sinks were upgraded to double strength versions, reducing the total number from twenty to sixteen.

Finally, all of the weapons were mated to a. BV (1.0) = 1,450, BV (2.0) = 1,840.

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BLK-NT-5H This version of the Black Knight uses a to reach a top speed of 54 km/h. It also has an advanced skeleton protected by thirteen and a half tons of armor. Seventeen Clan-spec double heat sinks keep heat load under control. The right arm carries a, and it has an advanced. Its weaponry is all -spec. An, two, two, two and twin arm the Black Knight.

BV (2.0) = 2,423. BLK-NT-2Y Another Dark Age version of the Black Knight, the -2Y is equipped with an that drives it to 54km/h. The weight freed by the XL engine is used to add a, and unit. It has thirteen and a half tons of armor to protect an skeleton.

It is also equipped with a Targeting Computer, and a Medium Shield is carried on the right arm. Offensively, it mounts a PPC, two large lasers, and three medium lasers. All equipment is of quality. BV (2.0)=1,847. BLK-NT-3A This version was also introduced during the Dark Age. It uses the Endo-Composite structure of the other models and is protected by the same thirteen and a half tons of armor, but has a larger XL engine that gives it a top speed of 64km/h. It also carries a Medium Shield on the right arm, and its weapon array consists of a pair of ER Large Lasers, four ER Medium Lasers, and a pair of ER Small Lasers.

It also carries a single for anti-infantry work. It lacks the electronics of other versions, and carries nineteen double heat sinks. Again, all equipment is of Inner Sphere manufacture. BV(2.0)=1,707. BLK-NT-3B This version uses the same Endo-Composite skeleton and XL Engine of the 3A variant above. Its weapons array has been modified however.

Keeping the right arm mounted Medium Shield, this variant carries twin ER PPCs, two ER Small Lasers, twin Small Pulse Lasers, and a pair of Small Lasers. This version has also been equipped with seventeen double heat sinks. For increased speed and strength, the 3B version uses. BV (2.0)=1,911. BLK-NT-4D This version is equipped with an ER PPC, two, two ER small lasers, and two small pulse lasers, all made to Clan specifications. This Black Knight also carries a in each arm, which use three tons of ammunition.

The Medium Shield and thirteen and a half tons of armor protect the Endo-Composite structure. An provides electronic warfare support, and eighteen Clan-spec double heat sinks keep the 'Mech running cool. Its max speed is 54km/h. BV (2.0)=2,280Custom Variants. BL-6-KNT Black Knight Ian Downgraded during the technological decline of the, the personal 'Mech of the McKinnon family was selected to receive among the first experimental weapons developed from the by the, thanks to the exploits of commander. When piloted by Ian during the, the 'Mech was clad in prototype armor and the standard heat sinks outside the engine were replaced with corrosive 3039-era double heat sinks.

These weight savings, along with the removal of the head-mounted small laser, allowed the 'Mech to carry a Hatchet whose damage was boosted by the addition of. BV (2.0) = 1,830. BL-10-KNT Black Knight Ross Given to upon his father's retirement in, the family 'Mech continued to be upgraded with the latest technology. By the the right arm and torso weaponry of Ross's 'Mech was upgraded to extended range models, with the triple strength myomers and hatchet retained. The use of production grade Ferro-Fibrous and double heat sinks, along with downgrading the large lasers to medium pulse lasers and the left arm medium for an, freed up enough weight for a Targeting Computer to be added. BV (2.0) = 2,072.

BL-X-KNT Black Knight 'Red Reaper' Based on a BL-9-KNT chassis, this personal ride of was created during the 's occupation of. The standard weaponry was removed and replaced with a and for hand to hand combat, while five inflict huge amounts of damage in close quarter combat. For long range firepower, a single paired with a are used. The whole 'Mech is protected by thirteen tons of Light Ferro-Fibrous armor. Fifteen double heat sinks are available to dissipate heat. BV (2.0) = 1,858. Combat Operations, p.

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106. ↑ Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade, p. 213. ↑ Technical Readout: 2750, p.

46-47. ↑ Technical Readout: 3025 Revised, p. 90-91. ↑ Technical Readout: 3039, p. 270-271. Record Sheets: 3050 Unabridged Clan & Star League, p. 287.

↑ Master Unit List: Battle Values, p. 71. Technical Readout: 3039, p.

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270, 'BL-7-KNT Black Knight'. ↑ Combat Operations, p.123. Record Sheets: 3039, p. 157. Record Sheets: 3039, p.

158. Tukayyid, pp.

12-13. Record Sheets: Upgrades, p. 125. Technical Readout: 3145 Federated Suns, p. 45. Record Sheets: 3145 Unabridged, p.

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211. Technical Readout: 3145 Federated Suns, p. 92. Record Sheets: 3145 Unabridged, p. 207. Technical Readout: 3145 Federated Suns, p.

93. Record Sheets: 3145 Unabridged, p. 208.

Technical Readout: 3145 Federated Suns, p. 94. Record Sheets: 3145 Unabridged, p.

209. Technical Readout: 3145 Federated Suns, p. 95. Record Sheets: 3145 Unabridged, p.

210. Starterbook: Sword and Dragon, p. 20, 101. Master Unit List: Battle Values, p. 72. Starterbook: Sword and Dragon, p. 111.

↑ Experimental Technical Readout: Most Wanted, p. 5. Experimental Technical Readout: Most Wanted, p. 18. MechWarrior Online Resistance Heroes Page., p.

90 Design Quirk Table - Black Knight Entry. Historical, Operation Klondike p. 6Bibliography.