
Dan BaconDan Bacon is a dating and relationship expert and the author of, an eBook that teaches you the easiest way to get laid or get a girlfriend. Dan has been helping new men succeed with women for more than 14 years.PositionFounder and CEO of TheModernMan.comFeatured ArticlesIn the Press'Dan is a man that has found out how to make women feel intense attraction for you. So many guys do need help. What a good thing you’re doing Dan. What a great thing you’re doing.' Jenny McCarthy, Sirius XM radio'Dan Bacon is the best at giving relationship advice to modern men.'

MensXP'Dan has some great tips. Some men need that sort of thing just the way some of us women need fashion advice or cooking tips.' Joy Pullmann, The Federalist'The Modern Man is teaching aspiring Romeos the natural way to get a girlfriend' A Current Affair, TV show. This is something that I used to have a lot of trouble with when I wasn’t a confident, alpha male.If I was talking to a girl and was doubting myself or feeling a bit nervous around her, she would naturally feel turned off by that.She may have liked me on a few levels (e.g. “This guy seems interesting.

He seems like a cool, good guyoh, that was funny, he made me laugh therehe seems to have an fairly good vibe about him”), but my lack of confidence would turn her off.Then, if a more confident guy came over and started talking to her or if there was a more confident guy in the group, she would naturally gravitate towards him in most cases.Why? Women are mostly attracted to a guys confidence and are turned off by a guy’s shyness, nervousness, insecurity and self-doubt.Generally speaking, confidence wins over any other trait when it comes to attracting women. A guy can be average or below average looking, but if he is very confident and believes in himself, he will get more action with women than a good looking shy guy who feels nervous around women.

Dan BaconHey TimThanks for your question.It really depends on how you behave around her. If there is a flirty vibe between you and her, then he has every reason to not want you to be spending alone time with his girl.However, if you’re all great friends and your intention is to only get her out of the house and hanging out with your mutual friends while he is away, then it’s fine. That said, most guys aren’t that secure about the loyalty and devotion of their woman. Kotor hk 47. Most relationships aren’t based on true love and the sex life of most couples isn’t that good. So, if he falls into those categories, it would be normal for him to begin worrying that he might lose his girl.BTW: Are you attracted to her? Have you considered sleeping with her? Have you gone to bed and daydreamed about being with her before falling asleep at night?If yes, then what are your real intentions in this situation?CheersDan.

How to Defend Your Girlfriend. A good boyfriend should be prepared to defend his girlfriend when her honor or safety is threatened. Knowing when to step in and when to step back is part of the process, though.


TimHey Dan,Haha I like when people flip questions like that on me makes me think about what I say and do sometimes.Truthfully yeah I do find his girlfriend attractive I mean I’m a dude she’s a 25 year old blonde so yeah if a situation presented itself I would bang her. However she has almost no interest in me sexually and there are parts of her personality and character that would drive me mental so that’s enough for me to just keep it as it is not enough gain too much blowback. It is strictly platonic there is no sexual undertones to our interactions.at all and that’s fine I like to hang with her because she’s a laugh and alright to look at so why not she gets things from me that my friend her boyfriend doesn’t give her so its win win for everyone.-Tim. Dan BaconHey TimIf there are no sexual undertones from your perspective, that is great. However, if your friend is insecure and perceives you to be a better man than he is (or a more attractive man), then he will be looking for clues that you and her like each other. He will see sexual undertones in the most innocent of exchanges.It’s a tough call, but in cases like this you’ve just got to weight up the benefits and disadvantages of continuing to hang out with her like that. Let me know how it plays outI’m curious to hear how you go with maintaining the friendships.CheersDanComments are closed.

Someone Hitting On Your Girlfriend Images

Dan Bacon used to be hopeless with women. He lacked confidence in himself and couldn't get women to like him. Despite being a good, honest guy, women just weren't interested.When he created the that he now teaches here at The Modern Man, beautiful women began flooding into his life and wanting to be with him.Dan has already helped 1,000s of guys to get instant results with women (100s of here) and he would love to help you too.So, if you are sick and tired of not getting results with women and would like to try something new that is absolutely guaranteed to work for you, then.