  1. Your Windows Experience Index Needs To Be Refreshed Life
  2. Your Windows Experience Index Needs To Be Refreshed
  3. Your Windows Experience Index Needs To Be Refreshed Free
  • Windows Experience Index is not part of Windows 10 (not present in Windows 8.1 as well). If you love the feature and want to get Windows Experience Index in Windows 10, you need to use third-party utilities. There are basically two free software out there to assess your computer and get Windows Experience Index in Windows 10.
  • Windows Experience Index is one of the best features where you can know your PCs performance. So, if you are looking to enhance the performance for better reasons you should try out this one. And these are all methods to get Windows Experience Index in Windows 10.

It doesn't run unless you tell it to. So you are probably just seeing notifications about it wanting you to run it. I have all of the action center notifications disabled so the only time I know there would be some reason to run the index again is when I open Control Panel System or Computer Properties.Not that these index numbers are actually good for anything.It does seem like a kinda useless bit to be running unless you are looking for the information.

Click on the System rating is not available, Windows Experience Index, or Your Windows Experience Index needs to be refreshed link. (See screenshots below) (See screenshots below) NOTE: The left screenshot is to score the WEI for the first time, the middle screenshot is to just update the WEI, and the right screenshot is to refresh the WEI.

I just checked my daily driver (only rig I have on 7), and it said my info was up to date, and last updated in November. So, it's not auto running on a regular basis here, as best I can tell.'

Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.' Albert Einstein'With cats.' Even though it does not seem to have caused me any trouble, I did disable it in task scheduler. No sense having something polling my hardware needlessly.Glad I was able to help out, Alex.Meow.I disabled Mine too, can't hurt, 1 less piece of fluff, nice fluff, but fluff all the same.Stupid fluff, if you ask me.

I know how my computers are set up, don't need freakin' Windows to give me a score. Glad I only have 7 on one rig.I'd still be runnin' NT if it was still compatible with the rest of the world.' Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.' Albert Einstein'With cats.'

Even though it does not seem to have caused me any trouble, I did disable it in task scheduler. No sense having something polling my hardware needlessly.Glad I was able to help out, Alex.Meow.I disabled Mine too, can't hurt, 1 less piece of fluff, nice fluff, but fluff all the same.Stupid fluff, if you ask me.

I know how my computers are set up, don't need freakin' Windows to give me a score. Glad I only have 7 on one rig.I'd still be runnin' NT if it was still compatible with the rest of the world.And then there's 8 coming up and Metro, lovely. Try this link.Ok, did it. A quote from the site you linked:'There is no easy way to disable this Experience/Assessment Index Tool in windows 7 as it is not associated with any service, rather it is integrated as scheduled task which runs automatically from task scheduler.' So i guess you would disable it there.No idea why yours is running.I've got Win7 & just looked at my WEI. The last time it was updated was almost 12 months ago.shrug.Yeah me too. I have two Windows 7 computers, and they never update WEI unless I tell them to do so.Strange indeed.WARNING!!

Your windows experience index needs to be refreshed time

'THIS IS A SIGNATURE', of the ' IT MAY CHANGE AT ANY MOMENT' type. It may, or may not be considered insulting, all depending upon HOW SENSITIVE THE VIEWER IS, to certain inputs to/from the nervous system. Try this link.Ok, did it.

A quote from the site you linked:'There is no easy way to disable this Experience/Assessment Index Tool in windows 7 as it is not associated with any service, rather it is integrated as scheduled task which runs automatically from task scheduler.' So i guess you would disable it there.No idea why yours is running.I've got Win7 & just looked at my WEI. The last time it was updated was almost 12 months ago.shrug.Yeah me too. I have two Windows 7 computers, and they never update WEI unless I tell them to do so.Strange indeed.I had a look on my laptop and it's scheduled to run once a week.It's quite likely that it doesn't update because there is no change in the hardware, but seeing as its scheduled to run regardless it is presumably checking if anything has changed.

Your Windows Experience Index Needs To Be Refreshed Life

You could check in the scheduled tasks when it was last run. No idea why yours is running.I've got Win7 & just looked at my WEI. The last time it was updated was almost 12 months ago.shrug.Grant's quote, but reply is to everybody.I'm pretty sure I know why, and pretty sure 99% of you guys will never have this problem. Here is the uncut version of this story.When I right-click on My Computer, next to the WEI (which is under System-Rating) I get a box that is greyed out (I think this should be blue when all ok) with a score of 3.1 and right next to it says: Your Windows Experience Index needs to be refreshed. Now before I go any further, I should say that this is the only PC I really have and it's the first one I got with Cuda (bought it specifically with Seti in mind). So I'm no nVidia driver troubleshooting expert. Another source of aggravation is Optimus.

Your windows experience index needs to be refreshed lyricsIndex

It switches between the ION GPU and the Atom GPU. Because of this, my driver version has forever been unknown to Boinc. To this day, I'm convinced that this is an Asus quirk and not a 100% Optimus quirk, because Sten's Samsung has never had this problem.

Your Windows Experience Index Needs To Be Refreshed

And like I've said before, I'm jealous:)Anyway, I tried refreshing WEI many times. Always the same msg: Your Windows Experience Index needs to be refreshed. So I searched and searched and that led to Microsoft forums and eventually nVidia forums. What I got out of that was a) most likely nVidia laptop driver problem and b) some hidden Windows folder were you go in and delete everything and refresh WEI. Well b) didn't work so I gave up. That was a couple months ago.Since then I had checked the WEI a few times for no real reason.

Your Windows Experience Index Needs To Be Refreshed Free

But last night it dawned on me that every time I had, WEI had run on it's own the night before @01:00 in the morning. And I do mean running (not polling). So either WEI was running every single night at 01:00, or at best it was just a coincidence that the last few times I checked were always on a Sunday. So Windows was running useless benchmarks for about 10 minutes (either once a day or once a week) and putting Seti on the backburner. And that's when my OCDs flared up:)So I had about 10 useless tabs open again last night (which is also why I was so slow replying to your msgs here) and decided I should come over and ask my favorite gang of troubleshooters! And I'm glad I did because nowhere did I find that WEI is really called winSAT.

But Mark did, in only a few minutes:)It also got me thinking. Maybe somebody can create a sticky (for more important things than the WEI) called something like 'Useless/Optional Windows fluff (BobierĀ©) you can turn off for Seti'. For example (in Win7):Turn off AeroOptimize power settings by.Disable programs that auto-start in Windows by.Go to services and disable.Go to tasks disable.Disable auto-restart for Win auto-updates Edit: andBlah, blah, blaAnd maybe even a recommended downloads:GPUzCPUzMSI AfterburnerDPC Latency checker (JasonG's idea)GPU Caps Viewer (Claggy's idea)Links to BilBg's list of recommended stuffetc.Also it would be nice if the original post from a sticky was allowed forever access to editing so it could be updated, instead of the 1hr limit all posts have. Though I'm guessing that's not doable.Alex, over & out:).