
Aug 09, 2016  Windows 10 won't stay asleep, hibernate, or shutdown, tried everything I appear to be having the problem with windows 10 that prevents windows from staying asleep. To be more specific every time I shutdown, go into hibernate, or go to sleep, the computer only briefly turns off and then turns itself back on immediately.

I had configured the setting to switch off the display about 5 minutes later on my Surface Pro 4. However, if the Windows 10 put the tablet into sleep mode, it also disconnect the wifi connection. If I am doing something over wifi, such as copy large files, sync dropbox, the process will be fail to finish in this state.

It is very annoying that I have to move the mouse to prevent from losing wifi. How can I resolve the problem?. From your desktop, type device manager in Cortana search box or Start menu, and select the Device Manager from result.

Double click on the Network adapter to expand all items. Locate your current wireless adapter, right click on it and select the Properties from content menu. Go to the Advanced tab, highlight the Selective Suspend in property area, change its Value from Enabled to Disabled. Click on the Power Management tab, uncheck the “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” box, and click OK button.

If you doesn’t find such option, you’d better run System File Checker to fix and restore it. Finally make a rebooting to apply changes.

Many users who are using Laptops from different manufacturers are facing issues of either laptop won’t go to sleep, if it does then Power still remain ON and even they’ll find that CPU and fan are working as well. But there won’t be anything on the screen and you’ll not be able to wake it back from sleep. Not just laptops, even hybrid of Laptop and Tablet i.e. Surface Pro users are also facing similar issues, that only screen turn off, but board light, fan etch would be still working and also Surface Pro getting hot sometimes during sleep mode.

These situation, users never faced before in “Windows 8.1”. Still does not work. Tried all of these on my samsung np350v5c and none of them worked. I’ve had the same experience, although i think its more being let down by Samsung than Microsoft. The Windows 10 free upgrade asserts that my samsung laptop is compatible, and the Samsung website agrees, offering upgrade advice and firmware.


So I upgraded in July/Aug, and win10 is definitely superior, but had to restore back to Win7 due to the time it takes to constantly reboot to get back up and running from sleep. I keep checking periodically but neith MS nor Samsung appear to be addressing this. Will stick with Win7 until the laptop wears out and consider my options then. Might have to be a new IPAD with keyboard! My Acer Aspire 5530 is unable to wake up from sleep, and updating graphic card drivers does not solve the problem. Graphic card is “ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3200” (pci vendor id 1002, device id 9612).

I have tried these drivers:. 8.970.100.9001 (13 jan 2015): latest from Window 10 Windows Update. 8.970.100.7000 (16 nov 2012): latest version available at the AMD site.and finally, surely working drivers from my current no-problem Windows 8 installation:. (19 jun 2012)Additionally, I have also tried:.

replace Windows-10 drivers with 3rd party drivers that Windows-8 uses: ENE cir, sd card, touch pad. disable (in Device Manager) all devices, except graphic card, hdd, sata controller and “system devices”.Nothing helped. So, I assume that problem resides not in a particular driver, but in the core of Windows 10.

Hi Robert,Thank you for taking your time with the fixes and actually responding.Sadly my issue still persists even after doing every single one of your options plus many others i see online.Although my problems seems to be the exact as everyone else (Laptop wont wake after sleep).I have a HP Notebook Touchscreen and the day i got it (two weeks ago) i upgraded to the free Windows 10 upgrade.After every single options I’ve rebooted the laptop and after putting it to sleep it still wont wakePLEASE help!Thank you. ^^If somebody has problems with sleep in Windows 10, it might be because Windows 10 installed automatically the latest GENERIC drivers from Windows Update for your material (Intel drivers, etc). BUT these drivers are NOT adapted for your OEM version of material, so you have to use the drivers from your PC manufacturer (Toshiba, HP, etc). The “blank screen” after sleep or when you try to shutdown may be caused by an unadapted version of Intel Management Engine Interface driver. So you’ll have to downgrade to the version provided by your PC manufacturer, and disable auto update. Everything is explained here. Hi Robert,Thanks for the useful article.I am using Lenovo Flex3.

I am facing the same issue as Laptop wont wakeup after sleep. The driver is latest.Further I observed that this happens whenever I install new software or windows automatic update triggers. I have found a strange work around for this. May be it will help others too.When the issue starts (after installing a new software or windows updates) I dont let the laptop sleep for 8+ hours. After 8+ hours, I shutdown the laptop.

When next time it starts, the sleep function start working as usual. If this does not fix the issue in single attempt, I repeat the same shutdown after 8+ hours cycle 2-3 times, till the issue gets solved.This looks strange but works for me 🙂. Not a question – another option for the solution:the surface pro 3 wouldn’t wake from sleep using the power or home keys (although it did vibrate when the home key was pressed. This began after all the updating a few days after we bought it.still woke up when reattached to the keyboard and any key was pressed – so it isn’t a fail of a graphics driver etc as others have seen.a computer wiz friend had a good look around and didn’t come across anything that sounded right for something barely out of the box, so took a look and fixed it in about 5 min.

The problem was the wake controllers in device manager (under Human Interface Devices). The many updates apparently disabled a number of them. The power button and home key appear under generic names (vendor-defined devices), so its just a case of running through and enabling them one-by-one til both work.hope that helps anyone having this issue. And maybe a techy can improve the instructions and understanding of what caused this stupid error. Thanks for the helpful article! Your solution solved the issue I was having with my ultrabook (acer Aspire S7).

Windows 10 Will Not Stay Asleep On His Back

Ever since I upgraded to Windows 10, often times when I would power down, the screen would go black, but the CPU & fan would continue to run. Also, when I put it to sleep it often times wouldn’t wake up. Both of these problems required holding down the power button to trigger a hard reset. After reading the article, I updated the display adapter driver and it now seems to be working! (I had previously tried updating all of the drivers, including the display adapter driver, and it didn’t fix the problem then, but this time it worked — so the display adapter driver must have been updated since my original attempt to remedy the issue.) Thanks again. Hp Red flyer pavillion laptop with windows 10 stock installed working great then it went to sleep and won’t wake up even after hard reboot, removing battery and ac and then rebooting nothing works and the screen is still black.

Do not think my screen is bad because connecting to another monitor and even tv with hdmi does not work. The fan is whirring intermittantly and the disc drive makes noises as per normal. The laptop ia getting power. The LAN button is flashing on and off red and sometimes stays red solid then turns off. It is exactly like it is in sleep mode but I cannot wake it and therefore cannot go into settings and update or turn off sleep mode. Also this laptop was literally just repaired 3 weeks ago and got a brand new hard disc as the one that came with it was faulty and crashed after only 1 1/2 weeks of use and I purchased brand new. So I am at my wits end with this new issue Can’t even retrieve my homework to turn it in.

My HP pavillion red flyer with windows 10 factory installed has just been working perfectly all day. About 2 hours ago it went to sleep. No big deal except now it will not wake up and the screen stays black. My LAN key light is red like normal when sleeping but not even a hard reboot or battery and ac removal will reset it and it reboots in sleep mode. I cannot see to change settings or upgrade so all the listed fixes are kind of useless to me. I even tried connecting another monitor and even my smart tv with hdmi cable. It is asleep and has power but refuses to wake.

I just got it back 3 weeks ago from being repaired. The hard disc failed completely and had to be replaced with a brand new one. I bought brand new not rebuilt and it crashed after less than two weeks of owning it and now it is playing sleeping beauty after less than 3 weeks. I am pulling my hair out here and about to boycott Windows 10 if these kinds of problems don’t stop. I cannot afford to fix it again or replace it.

Please help!! Same issue here with 3 tablets from different manufacturers, all win 10. I can’t do Option 2 because don’t have the original drivers. I discovered the sleep problem recently since I didn’t use the tablets much. The only solution that seem to work so far – kid of:1.

Make a executable for tablet to go to hibernation (tap to run)2. Create an auto run task (eg autotaks or similar Macro) and let it execute instead of Windows power management. The only issue so far is that this works if the interval for hibernation is short.

For longer interval it doesn’t work. So it’s obvious the issue has to do with hardware ( I suspect display entering low power mode or some Hardware components such as networking card, touch sensor.

Who knows).I don’t have time to trying things, wasted so much time already so I just let the tablets to hibernate. I can live with it, the pot is pretty fast from hibernation. Not a big deal on tablets. Just wanted to add what worked for me:Updating drivers did not fix the problem for me. I tried everything. Laptop is an Acer Aspire S7-392, problem was that it doesn’t wake from sleep.


Windows 10 Computer Will Not Stay Asleep

When I would shut the lid the blue light would stay on (it should switch to blinking orange light when the lid is shut and it’s asleep); open the lid again, blue light still on but black screen, only able to hard reset to turn it back on.The problem ended up being my USB mouse (yes, even though I had the power settings set correctly so that USB shouldn’t interfere with sleep). I updated the driver and software for my Microsoft usb mouse and the problem is gone. Voila!Hope this helps someone else. I have an Intel I7 in an MSI motherboard running Windows 10.

Upon wake from sleep, I was getting a mostly white screen with thin horizontal colored lines. I had to reboot every time the computer awoke. As a workaround to the sleep issue, I use hibernate instead. I set the sleep timer in Windows 10 to “never” and set the operating system to hibernate instead of sleep. My computer goes into hibernate after 60 minutes or when I touch the power button (this makes for fast troubleshooting to make sure the fix works and you could change the power button action afterwards).

Windows 10 Won't Stay In Sleep Mode

I also made sure that my BIOS settings for “wake” were coordinated with the operating system settings. In my BIOS settings, I selected “WAKE BY MOTHERBOARD / BIOS” instead of “WAKE BY OPERATING SYSTEM” and also in the BIOS, I checked the box for “WAKE BY USB DEVICES”. This workaround the sleep problem works great for me. W an I7 processor, the computer wakes from hibernation very quickly.