
Oh trust me there is tons of balancing going on right now, i can tell you that the next release will be significantly more balanced then the current public release, with plenty of new ships for you to seeThe UNSC roster as is is getting pretty bloated, so if we are going to add more ships for them they'll likely be remodels and such, the Covies however may be getting several new things going forward, depends on multiple things. I think the current max ship count isn't really going to be shifted around too much if at all, but its always possible! Well, it's really odd how it's set currently, it.it really feels like the UNSC is a invincible turtle once it's got it's shell how can you win?And also, the covenant have far more offensive abilities.As for the ships, I think the reason to add more ships is due to the fact that so many other mods just don't have the huge variety I kind'a was eager to see in sins, it'd sure help the mod out you know having a large inventory of ships that can whipe a entire race from a planet.I know this is out of no where but if I might ask have you ever roleplayed before? Agreed, but rest assured we are currently discussing how to fix that problem, the UNSC defenses will not be nearly as crazy in the next release trust me The Cov being so good at offense is intended however, that's just their play style, they hit hard, fast and blitz through the opposition. UNSC are good at defense, Sheer numbers and the quickness at which their ships build.I know what you mean there, we are constantly going back and forth thinking about adding new ships and whatnot. We recently announced that we are going to be releasing two different versions of the mod eventually once this main one is finished. The 'Wartime' and 'Post-War' versions of SotP will allow for brand new ships to enter the roster in both ones, so hopefully we'll be able to make alot of room.I actually haven't before sorry!

This episode, we start attacking the covenant and get ourselves a Punic Class Supercarrier to kill the commies with. Team's Channel: Download the mod here.

Besides playing RPG video games that is lol. Alrighty by the way.To suggest, perhaps add the shortsword bombers in as smaller attack craft. The Phoenix Assault Ships used them, I'd imagine they're more about numbers than firepower.Also, will it be possible to buff up the shields for UNSC Ships and add them to smaller ones?Also to balance things out, try altering the orbital mac cannons to a lower damage speed, or a far slower firing speed. A cannon that huge must take a while to reload if I had to guess, and recharge, but in nerfing this there will need to be a boost added for the UNSC's offensive abilities, given the covenant are pretty much twice the UNSC's offensive power.I see and understand, in the future would you have more time? Mobile devices and such can be pretty helpful. Skyrim item codes. I don't think the one from Halo Fleet battles would be more detailed, but I could be wrong.

Probably also depends on the size you have them print it out at. I honestly have no clue. Might be a limit as to how big they can print things out at.What I do know is that there has to be people out there (Me included) that would LOVE to have these models sitting on their desks (Hand sized? Shoe sized?) in realistic sizes (compared to each other).

So long as you don't get a 'cease & desist' from 343 of course.

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Unsc Infinity Vs Covenant Super Carrier

Unsc Infinity Vs Covenant SupercarrierSupercarrier

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Send us a message we'd love to help you with your thread.If asked, you must provide evidence for your claims or drop the argument.Disruptive gimmick accounts will be first warned then removed.Posts must be some form of battle, competition, or challenge or they are considered off-topic/META and should go in our weekly off-topic discussion posts or the Meta Monday thread.The following post types and comments have been deemed low-quality by the community and may be removed. For more information.Post Rules.Overly broad, vague or opinion-reliant posts. This now includes 'You vs' posts as of; details on why are. Battles must include at least one specific combatant and include the series/version of the character(s) in the title or post body (For example; Thor vs. Wonder Woman must be titled like 'Thor (Marvel 616) vs. Wonder Woman (DC Post-Crisis)').Posts with no details or specifications whatsoever.Copy-pasta, Circlejerk or Meme derivative posts. Apparently the UNSC has the hard-light tech down for the infinity (Which seems more advanced than what the covies use), and it was able to breach the hull of the diadect's ship, which is actually a full-blown forerunner ship, which is way better than a covenant ship.

It apparently wasn't a crippling blow, but it still shows it can go toe to toe with a much more advanced warship and not be completely ineffective. This suggests to me that the Humans are better with the forerunner tech at this point, though I'm not tremendously well versed in the EU lore. Hmmm, now that I've taken into account the effects of Forerunner slipspace technology, I think the Infinity takes this if they both meet at the ends of their sensor range.The Infinity could drop in behind the supercarrier and rip apart her stern, including her propulsion and her slipspace capability, and then unload her 10 frigates. The frigates fire in the order that they're unloaded and the Infinity fires off a salvo to finish off the supercarrier.If they have to meet face-to-face, I don't know if Infinity's MACs could punch through the supercarrier's shields before her own are depleted.The EU lore states that the UNSC improved upon the Elites' personal energy shields when outfitting SPARTANs. The same might go for the Infinity, but I don't know.EDIT: Unloading the frigates would probably be a waste of time. Actually, and I'm not certain about this, the only time we've seen a supercarrier use active camo was The Long Night of Solace use of it during the Fall of Reach.

Unsc Infinity Vs Covenant Supercarrier

Its active camo was, in fact, powered by ground-based pylons. When Noble Team took out those pylons, the supercarrier was revealed.

Unsc Infinity Size

I don't know if a supercarrier would have out-of-atmosphere or even mobile camo capabilities.I don't think Infinity would shoot in a cloaked ship's general direction without a precise firing solution, though. Space, and the range at which these ships engage, is unquantifiably vast and it would be easy to miss your target by 10 km, nevermind 10 metres. The ship you're talking about isn't identified in the books to be a CSO-class supercarrier.

It is, however, said to be 3 times the mass of a CCS-class battlecruiser. 1A CCS-class battlecruiser is 1.8 km in length, 2 while a CSO-class supercarrier is 29 km in length. 3 A supercarrier, being 16.111 times the length of CCS-class battlecruiser, should weigh 4181.9273 (or 16.111 cubed) times as much as the battlecruiser, assuming same shape and density.If it only weighed 3 times as much, I would assume it was made of air.